Chapter 26

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We at standing outside with guns in our hand I front of a target. I've shot some but missed every time. We've been doing this for weeks now. I shot at it again hitting one of the outside rings. I jumped up and down and was really excited.
"Babe, I hit it," I said pulling over Jake.
I looked over and Cameron was at another target hitting it every time.
Jake smiled then high fives me.
After the whole incident with Cameron it's been awkward around him. He looks and me and he keeps "accidentally" touching me. I haven't told Jake about it at all. We do not need arguing with a baby Colden in the house.
Speaking of him I can hear his crying. He must be hungry because he hasn't ate in like three hours. I then set my gun down and walked into the house.
I saw that he was in his carrier so I went over to him and picked him up. Nadia must be cooking something because I can smell something good.
I walked into the kitchen with Colden in my arms and grabbed a bottle. I sat down in my rocking chair. I don't know why but he's just fits perfectly in my arms. If I ever lost him life would be nothing.
I felt some one put their hand on both of my shoulders. I looked back and saw Jake. I smiled at him then looked back down. Colden fell asleep. He's just so peaceful I wish I could feel that way. I'm so scared of losing him.
I then felt something go down my cheek. I noticed that I was crying. Jake bent down and out his forehead onto mine.
"He'll be fine," he said kissing my forehead. I smiled. He told me that he can read people's minds. I opened my head to him. I didn't block it.
His forehead was on mine again while I closed my eyes. I nodded in response to him.
"I love you," I said opening my eyes.
"I love you to," he then kissing me.
I didn't notice Cameron came in and was sitting in the couch. I just looked at him.
"Can I see my son," he said not looking at me. I could see pain in his eyes.
"Yeah I guess," I said getting up and giving him to Cameron. I then walked into my room knowing that Nadia would be out there and so did Jake. I sat on my bed. I knew that all my powers were in so I didn't want to bust Cameron's face off.
"I don't know what do to," I said.
"What do you mean," he said.
"I don't have my mom back yet, and I have no idea how to be a good mother," I said holding back tears.
"It's okay not to be the strong one," he said putting me in his chest.
"I'm scared," I said.
"I'll protect you," he said.
I finally let go and I started crying. I couldn't stop. I'm letting it all out.
"I need to save Nadia's little girl," I said still crying.
"Bella you don't know what you're saying," he said.
"I do know, I know how it would feel now loosing Colden and she deserves her baby," I said crying more.
"Just let it all out,"he said.
I cried until I couldn't.
"I think I'm better," I stood up and smiled.
"Good," he brushed my lips with his.
I walked out and noticed something was wrong. I looked around and there was a huge mess.
"Nadia," no answer, "dad," still no answer.
I then heard the baby cry. I ran and found Cameron with his eyes and face change.
"Cameron out the baby down," I said looking at him while Jake was about ready to charge and him. He started heating up. I put my hand in him chest.
"No, I got y pregnant to save you, this baby was to take your spot," Cameron said getting upset.
I looked around and saw Nadia. Nadia was lying on the floor. She was still breathing. I remembered the deal that we made a week ago. That's what she was doing.
Comer in broke the window and ran.
I grabbed a potion and drank it. I ran after his with jake by my side. This was the time. I had to.
I had my full powers in and tried to getting and get Colden with out killing or hurting him.
I followed him with Jake still by my side. I was running with all I had. We ran to an opened place. I noticed it was the place where he had raped me.
"Stay here," I said to Jake. Of coarse he tried to fight me but I told him to stay.
"Cameron please don't," I said coming out behind the tree.
His eyes widened.
"You weren't suppose to follow," he said. All of a sudden people with suits came out with guns. They came at me while I tried to use my powers. It worked on some but they got me before I did anything else.
"No," Jake yelled.
"Jake run," I screamed at him.
"No," he yelled back.
"Jake go get help," I yelled.
I saw him getting upset. Wanting to come get me while while he was getting mad.
"Go," I said to screaming.
They tried to go after him but he ran.
"Let her go, this wasn't part of the plan," Cameron yelled.
"This was the whole plan all along," they said taking me into a secret underground.
How could he do that. To me.
They threw me in a clear glass room. There were several lined up. cameron came and sat I front of it while he got tears eyed.
"Bella.." I cut him off.
"How dare you," I screamed at him. Colden was still in his arms. I broke down and cried knowing that I'll loose my baby.
I went to the glass and looked at him putting my hand on the glass just wanting to hold him just once more.

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