Chapter 28

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Its been a week here now. I'm now used to the screaming guy and the girl across from me looking at me. I've seen little Grace only once more since the last time. It's been seven days and I'm still stuck here. In the same room with the same bathroom and bed. My back is starting to hurt and I haven't felt very good. I've puked for the past two days.
I've just layed here until I have to get up. The worst torture they have done to me is no letting me see Colden. Cameron has been stopping and trying to talk to me but I just zone him out. Usually when he comes I'm lying on my bed with my back to him. He broke me and my family. I don't even ask about Colden anymore. They won't give me a straight answer if he's okay or not.
They usually say he'll live or he'll be fine. They don't understand. I just need to know what they are doing to him. I just need reassurance.
I heard my door open knowing that it was my food time. I turned around finding that Cameron's the one with my food standing there. I turned back around and hearing the clatter of the plate with the silverware. I put my elbows on my knees and my hands were resting on my forehead.
Cameron came In front of me and crouched. He looked at me.
"You know I did this for you," he said trying to take one of my hands.
I pulled away.
"Please just understand," he said.
"You know what I don't understand," I said quietly.
His face was confused like he didn't think that I would respond.
I looked up with our eyes meet as I stood up. He stood up with me and we stopped. He was really close to me.
"I don't understand why I let you stay with us when you were crying for our child, I don't know why you kissed me when I let you stay and then wanted to stay when I told you to leave, I don't know why I fell in love with you, I also don't know why I keep forgiving you, because I think I still love you just maybe not as much anymore, or maybe I love the memories and the way you were there for me when I was depressed," I said with my voice getting louder every time.
I pushed him back but he caught my hands with him then pulled himself back. He looked at me then kissed me. I don't know why but I followed. I then noticed more of what I was doing then slapped him. It reminded me of when we were at Nadia's.
His face turned and he turned angry. My eyes were filled with tears and I was angry to. I could feel my teeth coming out.
"And I don't know why you would try to apologize to me, and separating a mother from her child" I said as I growled the last words.
He looked at me again with sadness. He turned and punched the wall. The wall had a hole it now. There were guards piling in and holding me back. There were some trying to calm down Cameron. My face wasn't back to normal and my hair turned to fire. I screamed and the guards let go of me right away. It was like a death scream. It broke the hard thick glass. They all covered their ears and dropped down to the floor.
How did my hair do this.
I then looked around seeing that my glass walls were on the ground.
I ran. I ran until I remembered what I should do.
I went and tried to find Grace. They must've moved her.
Then the intercom went off.
"Code purple, code purple" it kept on saying.
I knew that code purple was for me.
I was looking all over not being able to see her.
Is there rooms for little kids that put them in? I then started noticing other eyes on me. Looks of need, help, and sadness. I should try to help everyone. I didn't know the code so it was impossible to open up. I just need to find little Grace.
I kept on running through the grey lit up hall way.
I turned and went into another door. I saw little children there just playing like there life wasn't going to get sucked away. I want to save them all. But I can't.
I walked through the there as some younger guards came at me. I just shoved them aside with the power that keeps growing. I turned and I saw Grace. She was in a crib just sleeping soundly. In here no one could hear the alarms.
I walked fast into the room she was sleeping and pulled her out of the crib. She awoke with a startle and started to cry. I held her away from my body so she can recognize who was taking her.
Her eyes glistened with tears but she came pulled toward me.
I just need Colden. I then look around and see have no sight of him what so ever. I then hear a cry that sounded just like his.
I started running to the cry. I had Grace on my hip and she's holding on for dear life.
Where is he. I need to find him. I kept opening rooms and looking but he isn't there. I know I was getting closer. I ran to the last doer to the right and opened it.
I ran through into a trap. The guard were all lined up and the two guys that I was scared of most. Holding my baby.
"Hello Bella, you remember me I hope," she looked at me with his dark eyes and evil smile.
"Yes," I said through my clenched teeth.
"Good, and I don't recall you know my side man here," he said,"this is Candon."
I looked at him. He had the same look as Trent. I looked at then holding Grace tightly.
I looked down knowing I can't get through with out hurting Colden.
"Please let these two kids go," I said looking up.
lol of a sudden Candon was right in front of me.
"Shhhh," he said putting my hair behind my ear.
"Oh and another thing," Trent said,"you are going to be his slave."
I gasped while I backed up.
Candon grabbed my arm as I shrieked out in pain. A guard came and got Grace and held her.
He looked me into the eyes and something went through me. I tried to pull away but my body wouldn't follow what I wanted. I was just standing there still in front of him.
"Good," he said as he let go of me,"stat by my side."
"Yes master," the words slipped out of my mouth.
What am I doing. I need to zoom back in. I need to take my body back.
I need to get out of here.

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