Chapter 11

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I woke up and looked around. There was a note laying on my bed.

Dear Bella,
I'm so sorry I have to leave you. Your brother was right. I do travel I was only suppose to stay for two weeks. I stayed longer than I should've. I should've told you so I didn't have to leave like this. EveryThing was so real. But I just want to finally say I love you. I want you happy so pleas dorm hang over me. I'll come back soon. I love you Isabella.
I grabbed the note crumpled it and ran out to the kitchen where my brother was.
"Look what you did," I yelled at Cody with tears streaming down my face throwing the note at him.
He was in shock as he picked it up. He read it then looked at me.
"Bel..." I turned and ran into my room.
I slammed my door shut and looked at the picture on my wall of him and I.
I couldn't stand seeing them.
I ripped the pictures off the wall. Every memory we had, was gone. I looked around feeling so lost. I took my fist and shoved it through the wall.
I closed my eyes for a second and passed out on the floor.
I went numb.
2 months later
I haven't been able to sleep. Crying every night is a thing now.  When he left I felt like something broke in me. My aunt has tried to talk to me but it hasn't worked. I haven't talked to Cody since that night really. Every time I do he's saying sorry and I don't like that. He wouldn't have done that if he didn't want me hurt. I'm fed up with being here. I started crying again and put on my sweatshirt and charged out of my room.
"Im sorry Izzy" my brother said standing up and looking at me.
"Yeah okay" I said as I opened the front door.
"What are you doing iz?"
"I'm leaving"
"You cant"
"Watch me"
I went out the door and slammed the door.
I whispered to myself. "If I have my running skills you better get your shit together"
I started running and I felt myself going faster and faster.
"Bella" I heard my brother yell.
I kept running for 10 more minutes and then was in the spot where me and Cameron met for the last time.
I sat down in the middle and started crying. I put my head on my hands pushing my eyeballs in so I could stop crying. Nothing is working. Everything felt so broken inside.
I laid down feeling to weak to even be sitting. And I blacked out.
"Bella" I heard someone and hearing fast footsteps come by me. He check my pulse. I was freezing cold. I couldn't even open my eyes.
"Hold on Bella" then I noticed it was Cameron's voice.
"Cameron" I muttered.
"Bella I am so sorry" he said holding me in his arms.
"Cameron" I said again I said in disbelief while opening my eyes.
"I love you" he said trying to warm me up.
"If you loved me you would've told me before that's why those bloodsuckers said that." I said pushing away from.
"Bella it's not what you think" he said trying to come close.
"Stay away Cameron"
"Bella please"
He came close and started kissing me. I tried to pull away but he didn't budge. What's he going to do to me? Year started streaming again.
"Cameron please stop" I said as I kept trying to push him away.
"Bella I have to do this, I'm sorry" he said. He put a needle in my arm and pushed the liquid into me. I couldn't move or try to leave. He drugged me.
He unzipped his pants and took off mine. Then I felt something on my legs. He then put it in. My eyes were to weak to open. I blacked out again.
I woke up with my pants on but I still couldn't move. I heard a car coming closer.
"Help" I said trying my hardest to yell.
"Help" getting louder.
"Help" I then screamed.
The car stopped. Then I saw someone run out of it. It was my brother, he found me.
"Bella" he yelled as ran over trying to get me up.
Every time I attempted to get up I fell back down.
"Fuck it" he said and picked me up.
"I'm sorry" I said half asleep.
"Did Cameron do this to you" he said sounding pissed.
"Ye..yeah he did" I said crying.
He stopped, "I'm going to kill him," he said with disgust.
I just buried my head in his chest.
"Did he hurt you or do anything" he asked holding me close.
"I blacked out, he drugged me" I said not wanting to tell him the rest of the story.
His eyes grew big and he started shaking. He then got out his phone and dialed some one.
"Hello" he said
"I need you to meet me at my home a.s.a.p" he said again.
"Okay meet you there" then he hung up.
"Who was that" I asked sniffling.
"You'll see when we get home" he said.
"Home? You mean safe house?" I said in curiosity.
"No home" he said and he started running and put me in the car then drove off.
Home? Like mom and dad home?
We drove for an hour then I fell asleep.
I then woke up and looked around seeing my dad and my mom.
"Honey are you okay" my dad said getting up and sitting down by me.
"Dad I don't know what's happening" I said.
I sat up and then felt really nauseous. My mom saw me and brought a garbage over. I leaned over a started puking, she held my hair back and sat by me.
"Mom what's going on" I said trying to stop gagging.
"We don't know" she said putting her forehead on my shoulder, "we are hoping only for the best that it's the drugs he put in you."
I closed my eyes and leaned back not wanting to get sick again. I then closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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