Chapter 30

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Me and my mom went through halls and halls looking for them. They aren't anywhere to be found.
We kept on looking for doors. We stopped for a breathe.
"Ahhh it's the mother and daughter," I heard the voice behind me.
I turned and saw Trent. I pointed my gun a him. My mom did to.
"I wouldn't do that," he said.
"What are you going to do about it," I said looking at him.
"I have the people that has the children on speed dial," he said shaking the phone In front of us. I turned to my mom. Tears started glistening in my eyes.
"Trent put it down," there was a familiar voice coming from the hall in the side of us.
It was Cameron.
"Cameron are you stupid," Trent said.
"I'm not afraid to shoot," he said.
Trent put his hands in the air. He drops the phone but I noticed it was going button down.
I ran for it and caught it just I time. I let out a breath of relief. That was a really close one.
"They'll notice when I don't come back," he yelled. The hall echoed back.
I heard a crying. He kept yelling.
"Shut up," I said.
He kept yelling. He's getting on my nerves.
"I said shut the hell up," I turned and kicked him in the groin.
He was just sitting on the ground holding it while he was grunting.
"That ones for making me have sex with Candon, and this ones for keeping my baby away from me," I then kicked his head making him go unconscious.
I looked at mom and she was surprised. Cameron was poking at him making sure he was still alive.
"Okay let's follow the crying," I said running toward the cry.
We ran through another hall the crying was closer. It sounded like a little girl. Grace. We started opening every door.
"Hey guys I found them," Cameron yelled as we ran towards him.
There little Grace was. I looked and saw another crib as Colden lied there. I ran over and saw how peaceful he was.
My mom grabbed grace and I grabbed Colden. He's gotten big already. I totally forgot that he will grow much faster.
"Momma," he said smiling.
I looked at him and my eyes starting to tear up knowing that he still remembers me.
"Let's go," I said running out the door.
Remember the plan. I heard Nadia's voice.
I remember. I said back.
No one knows the plan except me and Nadia.
"Okay we have to split up," I said.
They both looked at me like I was stupid.
"Just trust me," I said as I ran another way from the ways they were going.
The plan will work if we fail it or accomplish it. I kept running. I heard guard running now towards me. I ran out of a door and some how I ended up outside. I looked around and saw a dumpster. I ran and opened it. I gave Colden a kiss then layed him in there.
He started crying but I needed him quiet.
My eyes started to tear up not knowing if this will be the last time for awhile that I will sing him to sleep.
"Oh stop your crying it will be alright, just take my hand and hold it tight, I will protect you from all around you, I will be here don't you cry," I sang the rest of the song quietly and then he was sound asleep.
A tear went down my cheek as I rubbed his head.
"I love you Colden," I then knew I had to go because there was more yelling.
I closed the top if the dumpster silently. I wanted to stay but I know I'll put him into more danger.
I stayed there having to drag myself away and tears went down my cheek. I kept on pushing myself to go to leave. My heart felt like it was going to shatter.
I forced myself to run as fast as I could all of a sudden there was an arm right front of me. I couldn't stop fast enough and it hit me in the neck and making me fall to the ground.
I couldn't breathe or see it was black. I was gasping for air. I then got my vision and my air back. I was still on my back breathing pretty heavily. I then saw a guy above me. Candon. My eyes started tearing up as I knew I had met my death.
Nadia I'm here. I said.
Where did you put the baby. She asked.
He's in the dumpster by the south exit.
Okay, you are one very strong girl Bella.
Tell everyone I love them. I said as a tear went down my eye.
My darling Bella I will surely tell them, and thank you for saving my baby grace. I could feel her sadness and her happiness at the same time.
I could now feel that she was crying.
Nadia don't cry.
I'm so sorry for putting you in this.
I chose this, I have to go Nadia, goodbye.
Goodbye my dear.
I saw that Trent had his evil smile on. I got up knowing that my lip was bloody. I looked at him with a stare that I wished I could kill him with.
"Welcome again," he said with his evil laugh.
"Candon why don't you just stop fighting," I said.
"Why do you keep going is the question," he said pulling out his gun.
I looked at it and then looked at him.
"You scared," he said with the grin on his face.
"Candon lets just go our separate ways," I said trying to stay calm.
"Ways?" He laughed,"theres only one way out of here my dear."
I looked around.
"Look like there's more than one way Candon," I said.
He looked around. Now it's my time.
I turned around and ran as fast as I could. I looked back for a second and then there was the gun shot. My body went numb. My vision going blurry.
I looked down and saw blood coming out of my stomach. I fell to the ground with warm hands catching me.
I heard more gun shots. I saw they were hitting Candon. I looked up and saw Jake. My gorgeous love Jake.
His eyes was glistening with tears. I could feel mine to. I felt a tear go down my face.
"Please don't die," he said holding me tight.
He starting crying hard.
"Shh, Jake I love you, but promise me you'll take care of Colden" that was the first time I said I loved him. I knew I felt it before.
"I promise," he said.
My mind was spinning and I was starting to loose conscious.
The last thing I saw was Jake grabbing Colden and him putting my hand on his heart.
"We love you to," Jake said.
My eyes began to droop and my breathing slowed i closed my eyes and saw a bright opening.
I couldn't have asked for a better ending to my life.

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