Chapter 33

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We woke up and I forgot I was naked from last night. I tried to get up but Jake wrapped his arms around me then pulled me close. I Hope he knows that we are still naked.
I then forced his hand off if me then got up. I went to the bathroom and got in the shower.
I got out and heard a big boom. I wrapped my towel around me then ran out. I saw Jake sprawled out on the ground laughing.
Cody ran in and pointed at Jake laughing.
"Holy shit, are you okay," I said running over to him giggling.
"Yeah I'm fine," he said getting up.
He had his boxers on then i noticed his shorts were at his ankles.
"So uhm how'd you do that," I asked looking at him.
"Well you know i was trying to put my pants on and I got one in and the other but while i was stepping in I lost my balance then fell," he said with an embarrassed look on his face.
Cody just couldn't stop laughing. It reminds me of before I was pregnant. We talked and laughed while we ate cereal.
Colden started crying. I walked into his room and picked him up. I kissed his cheek. I brought him out to the kitchen then put him in his high chair. I got him baby food and fed it to him.
I felt hands on my shoulders and saw my dad. He looked proud for once. I leaned my head on his stomach.
Colden got done eating so I got up and wiped his mouth. I cleaned the tray then I grabbed Colden then sat down. Everyone was in the living room sitting there watching a movie. My dad brought out popcorn and passed it out to everyone in little bowls.
I'm going to see Cameron soon. I got up an hour later and went into my room and got my makeup on and dressed Into jeans and a t- shirt. I straightened my hair.
I walked out and saw my mom sitting there. She got up and came over.
"Where are you going," she asked.
"I was going to see Cameron, can you take me," I asked.
She paused for a few seconds. A smile came over her face.
"Go get in the car, I'll be right out," she said.
I walked out and sat in the won't as someone got in the back and in the drivers seat. It was Jake and Cody.
"What the hell are you two doing," I asked looked at them.
"Well you don't have any protection if something happens so we are going to take you," Cody said shifting the gears.
We backed up then started on our way. I can't believe them. They didn't trust me. It took up a half an hour to get there.
They started taking off their seat belts and open the door then I turned to them.
"Where do you think you guys are going" I asked.
They looked at me surprised I even said that.
"We are going in," Jake said saying it like a question.
"Nuh-uh, you sit back down," I said getting out.
"Fine, but if something's happened you have to tell me," Cody said back getting back in the car.
"Okay, I have my phone," I said shutting the door then walking down a small hall.
There was guards all around. I saw a desk and saw a woman sitting in there.
I tapped on the glass as she looked up.
"Hello," she said.
"Hi, I'm here to see Cameron Waker," I said with a tiny smile.
"Okay go and sit at one of those tables, he'll be right out," she said smiling back.
I turned around and went and sat in a corner table. I waited for five minutes until he came out with guards behind him. As soon as his eyes met mine his eyes got huge. His eyes lit up and he smiled so big.
"Holy shit, you're alive," he said walking over to me and hugging me.
"Yes, I am," I smiled.
His eyes started to tear up and we sat down.
I told him about what me and Nadia had to do. I told him about how Colden was getting so big. We talked about when he would get out. He said a few years.
I saw a lot of eyes looking at me.
"Why is everyone looking," I asked trying to be quiet.
"You saved their families and them, didn't you hear?" he asked.
"How," I asked confused.
"After we rebelled again mixes being killed and hunted all mixes are free and there is no law against them," I smiled so big.
I saved them? There's gotta be a mistake.
"You only have five minutes left," one of the guards said.
Cameron let out a growl at him.
"Cameron I'll be back," I said holding his hand.
He smiled. We got up and I started to walk away as he stopped me.
"Hey wait, hows Colden," he asked with a sad expression.
"He's getting big,"I gave a small smiled," but he's doing good."
"Please tell jake to keep him close and thank him for being there for him," he said with tears in his eyes.
"You're still that dad," I said.
"I'm not his dad, I can't be called that when I won't be there for awhile," he said,"I'm his father but Jake is his dad."
I looked down as tears started to form.
"He'll come and see you when he gets big enough," I said looking up.
He smiled then walked away.
I walked out the door as it swung back. I wiped my eyes then got back in the car. I sat in the backseat this time by Jake. We started to drive.
"Are you okay," he asks grabbing my hand.
"Yeah, I'm perfect," I said smiling.
I hit his shoulder and and tears started coming out.
"What's wrong," he said looking at me.
"He said you're the dad, he doesn't deserve to be called a dad like you are and he thanks you for that," I said looking up and him.
He smiled as I smiled back. I love Cameron but this is how it's suppose to be. This is how life is. Coldens safe I'm safe jakes safe. Mom and dad are safe and Cody is safe. Also my new family members are safe.
This is our next life. This is our new fate.

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