Chapter 25

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I woke up still on Jake's couch. I got up and looking at him sleeping. I kissed his forehead then I started walking to the door. I opened it then went out. I noticed it was only 5 when I sat at the counter. Nadia was in the kitchen like she always is.
"Whatcha making," I said looking over.
"A potion," she said with a grim.
"For what." I asked.
"You'll see soon," she said with a smile now.
I smiled back and watched her. It smelled very good.
I once leaned a lesson at school about these potions. If the smell good they are harmful. I wonder what she wants to harm.
I just remembered, "where's Cameron."
Nadia smiled,"he's fine Bella, I got him his room."
"Good, I'll go see how he's doing," I got up and looked in rooms. I opened one and saw him sitting on the couch.
"Hey," I said rubbing my upper arm.
"Hey," he said getting up.
I shut the door behind me.
"How are you settling," I said biting my lip.
"I'm doing good," he took a step closer.
"Well that's good," I said,"are you going to need to get something's from your house or are you going to just get new stuff."
"I'll get new stuff," by now he was really close.
"What are you doing," I said moving backwards
He smiled. He then smashed his lips on mine. I then slapped him in the face.
"What the hell was that," I said raising my voice.
He held his cheek. And his eyes changed.
"I love you Bella can't you see it," he said.
"I didn't let you stay so you can kiss me, I have a boyfriend," I yelled out loud.
"You know you don't love him like you love me," he said with a smirk.
"Shut up, yes I do, in fact I love him more," I said.
His face got red and his eyes changed. My breathing got heavy. I was trying not to show I'm scared of him.
"Is this why you came, if so get out," I said with tears in my eyes. I pointed to the door.
His eyes went back to normal. His eyes went to pain. He turned around and went back to the couch. I turned around and walked out. I then ran into the bathroom and shut the door. Tears started rolling down my face. I sat there sitting in front of the door.
"You okay," I heard Jake. Jake. Crap, he can't know what happened.
"Yeah, I'm fine" I said wiping my face.
"I heard yelling," he said, "something's wrong."
I waited to answer.
"Please let me in," he said.
"I don't want you to see me like this," I said while i looked in the mirror with my make up all down my face.
Jake unlocked the door then opened it. I tried to wipe my face all the way off with my black mascara. Jake came by me and turned me to look at him. I looked at his eyes and he wiped my face. I then looked up at him. He leaned in and kissed me and he pulled me closer to his body.
We pulled apart and I put my head into his sweatshirt. His smell is amazing. Everything about him is Amazing. He's perfect. Perfect. The best word there to describe the person who yo want o be with for the rest of the world.
"Bella we have to do something," he said while putting his chin at the top of my head.
"What's that," I said into his sweatshirt.
"We are going to teach you how to shoot a gun,"

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