Chapter 3

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I woke up only seeing white around me.
"Where am i" I sat up and looked around. Cameron was holding my hand smiling at me.
"Easy killer stay down" he said.
Everything hit me. I rubbed my hand over my neck. I accidentally pushed a little to hard and it starts bleeding.
"Ouch" I said as my teeth clamped together. He looked at is with his teeth clenched too.
He came over to me came right by my neck and kissed it. I felt the pain leave right away.
"How'd you do that" I asked confused.
"It's not that hard " he said with a chuckle.
I smiled and checked it out more.
He smiled, "get some rest now."
The nurse came in and gave me more anabiotic. It made me feel sleepy.
I was zoning in and out and I noticed the door opening.
There was an older woman walking in getting closer and closer. She came by my side and smiled.
"Hello my dear daughter." My Mothers soft voice came through my ears.
"Are you ready to go?" Cameron asked packing some of my things.
"Ready as I'll ever be" I said smiling.
"Alright let's go home" as he grabbed my hand and kissed my forehead. We walked out trying to take two loads at a time so we didn't have to take two trip.
We finally got to the car and he helped me buckle my seatbelt. He got in and held my hand.
We got home and my mom and my dad were sitting on the couch. I'm surprised to see them in the same room together. I can hear little whisper voices coming through. I couldn't hear clearly what they were saying, so I put on my wolf hearing.
"We need to keep her safe from those filthy blood suckers" I heard my mom say.
"She doesn't want to go live with you Teresa, I think it's better if she became full werewolf" my dad said back.
"Being a fairy isn't that bad you have powers that can save yourself." She said.
After a long pause my mom took a deep breathe and said, "I guess we'll have to see what she wants then."
I close the door loudly to make sure they thought that I wasn't listening.
My mom and dad got up and hugged me.
"Honey how are you" my mom said holding both my hands looking at me.
"I'm fine" I said hugging her.
"That's great" she smiled, "honey we need to talk to you in a bit, but we'll eat first."
Cameron started coming down the stairs from putting my bags in my room and he smiled as my mom went and hugged him. She backed away suspiciously slow.
"Hello dear, how are you" she ask putting a smile on her face.
"I'm doing great" he said smiling back.
"That's great would you like to eat with us" she asked in a questioning voice.
"Is that okay" he said looking at my dad.
"Of coarse it's fine Cameron your over every night" my dad said slapping him on the shoulder smiling.
My parents walked out of the room and Cameron turned around and mouth "ow" while rubbing his shoulder chuckling. I walked over there and hugged him while kissing him on the cheek.
"I'm so happy to be home," I said quietly.
"I'm happy that I can now snuggle you in a normal sized bed" he said with a tiny giggle.
I pulled back and looked at him funny. Then I remembered his face turning veiny and his eyes getting wrinkly.
"What's wrong" he asked.
"Nothing" I said shaking the thought of it. "I've just noticed that you are always by my side when I need you" I said smiling.
He smiled and kissed me on the forehead.  We plopped in a movie and laid on the couch.
"Time to eat" my mom yelled.
I jumped up and grabbed his hand. I pulled him up and walked into our dining room. As we sat down and ate.

******thats Bella's mom on top*******

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