Chapter 16

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I woke up noticing jake was laying on my couch. He was of coarse watching football on my tv. He didn't notice me wake up so I walked over to him and plopped down on his chest. He hugged me tightly then kissed me on the head.
"I thought we were going to loose you last night" he said embracing me tightly.
I just layed there and closed my eyes and rested my head on his chest. The baby kicked my stomach and I could tell Jake felt it he then smiled. We started giggling.
"Now you know how I feel" I laughed.
"It's not painful" he asked with the crease right between his eyebrows.
"Nope it feels amazing" I said with a big smile.
I sent one of my thoughts down to the baby.
Mommy are you okay?
Baby I am great.
I thought the darkness was going to take you.
You knew about that?
Of coarse I was pushing it away.
What away?
The monster. I was making it slow down a little bit.
I sat down wondering how the baby could possibly have the power to do it.
"Is there a kind of immortal that can have so much power when it's made" I asked looking at jake right in the eyes.
"I don't think there is" he looked back up at me, "why"
"The baby kept the monster away from me, it gave me more time to get out of the vision" I said looking confused.
His face went mysterious I couldn't read it. And then I thought of what my mom did last night.
"My mom" I stopped and looked at him.
"What do you mean" he was advising something.
"How did she do that spell, she pulled me out of the trans "I said getting up.
"Where are you going" he said grabbing my hand.
"I'm going to talk to my mom" I said turning around.
"That's not a good idea right now" he said pulling infront of him.
"Why" I backed up.
"Because something happened last night"
"Wh-what do you mean" I said going all limp in my body.
He was quiet and looked down holding my hand. I removed my hand from his grasp and started speed walking to my moms room. My brother stopped me outside the door.
"Go back into your room" he said harshly.
"Don't tell me what to do" I tried shoving him out of the way, he wouldn't budge.
"Go" he said trying not to giggle.
"Fine where's dad"
"He's in there"
"Are they having sex is that why your not letting me in there"
"Then I can go in" I went under his arm and turned the door knob, and opened the door.
"What the..." I saw my mom there sleeping with my dad by her side and a guy I never wanted to see again. My step dad.
"Hello my dearest" my step dad said.
"What are you doing here" I asked kinda snobbish.
"Darling that's not way to talk your step father now is it" he said getting closer.
"And you know how to talk to a step daughter? Don't act like your my father" I said stepping forward.
"Do you need to be grounded" he said stepping closer almost in my face.
"Your not the boss of me" I turned away and I heard a crash behind me.
My dad was laughing so hard. My jaw dropped when I saw what happened.
"How the hell did you run into the wall" I said not understanding.
"I didn't you spoiled brat" he was coming after me. He's done this before, it's always me, he hits me and punches me.
"back off of my daughter you asshole" my dad grabbed his shoulders and pushed him away.
My brother was in the door way the whole time.
"I've always wanted to see that guy get the shit beat out of him" my brother laughed. My dad gave him the eye that now wasn't time.
"Go get her cooled down" my dad said shoving me towards.
"I'm cooled" I said pushing his hands of of me and walking upstairs.
"Izzy wait" my brother said.
"What, you didn't want me to know that asshole is in our house" I stopped on the 3erd stair, "you know he abused me on our visits."
"Don't" I turned around walked up the stair and slammed my door noticing that I broke door hinges.
"Dammit" I yelled and just threw myself on my bed.
I heard someone walk by then back up.
"Holy shit loca" he said laughing. It was jakes voice and he came and laid by me.
"I don't know how But Im destroying things" I said into my pillow.
"You powers are coming in" he said rubbing my back lightly.
"Can you fix my door" I said pouting at him.
"I guess" he said kissing me then getting up.
He walked out of my room. I got up and watched tv until he came up with the parts for it. I watched him or it together. He finally got done he made sure it shut and he kept it.
"So I think it works" he said.
"It better be" I laughed.
He then came over infront of me, and kissed me harshly. I followed his steps. He was now on top of me kissing me roughly also grinding a bit. We took a break for a second only to breathe.
He picked me up and moved me to the bed where he was still on top of me. He took his shirt off as I moved my hands up and down his abs. He ran his hands up and down my thighs. He touched my sweet spot and I moan a bit. I could feel his smirk.
I didn't want to go any further so I just layed there while he was sucking on my collar bone.

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