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Olivia head was a mess over her and Tom. She didn't know what to do. She knew that Tom wanted to get back together and olivia didn't know what to do.

She knew that he had cheated in her only to spite her and she just didn't know if she could be with someone like that. She didn't know if she could be with someone who would do that to her, would hurt her like that when he says he loves her.

Olivia knew it had been months and she knew that even though she had slept with Tom since she knew it was a mess and she had no idea over what she was going to do. She was scared and she felt so alone.

Olivia sighed as she wiped that tears from her eyes and sighed. Olivia knew it was a mess. 

Olivia looked to daisy and smiled as she picked her up from her cot and smiled as she kissed the top of her head, Olivia knew that she needed to put Daisy first and she needed to think over her and what was best for her but Olivia had no idea what it was not when she knew her head was a complete mess and it was all down to Tom

. Olivia knew that no matter what she decided to do things would never be simple between her and Tom 

Olivia got to work and sat in her classroom. She was trying to avoiding Tom and the drama of it all. Olivia sat at her desk and sighed as she sat looking through her drawers as she looked to an old photo of her and Tom. It killed her to look at as it reminded her of them and how happy they could be.

Olivia placed the picture back in the drawer not wanting to look at it as she saw Lexie as she stood in the doorway and looked to her and smiled

"hey, are you okay" lexie asked as Olivia looked to her and sighed

"I don't know, I just can't stop thinking over what we had. He wants to try again and I don't know if I can trust him not to hurt me" Olivia said as Lexie walked over to where she was and smiled as she pulled her into a hug and smiled "I know it's hard but I promise you that no matter what you are not alone and Its not an easy decision to make. You need to ask yourself if you can forgive him and if you are happier with or without him" Lexie said as Olivia looked to her and nodded.

Olivia knew that Lexie was right and she had to make a decision over what she wanted and if it was Tom or not

Olivia stood in the staffroom alone as Tom walked in. She looked to him and sighed

"can we talk" he asked as she sighed

"Tom I really don't have the energy for this, I don't think I can forgive you for what you did Tom so why bother trying again" olivia said as Tom looked to her and sighed

"we have both hurt each other, I hate what I did but you took Daisy away from me" he said as she sighed

"that wasn't about you Tom, believe it or not" Olivia said as he nodded

"I just want us to try" he said as she looked to him for a moment and nodded but could they really try again after all they had been through

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