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Olivia sighed as she parked into work. She placed a hand on her stomach and sighed. She had told tom that she was pregnant and he freaked out, he said that he needed some time and he hadn't spoken to her since. She had given him a week and she felt as if she was going to be left alone, she didn’t want to be a single parent and it terrified her. She didn’t want to be a single parent, she and tom may have not been together and may of only been sleeping together but she still wanted his help, and support. After all it was his baby too and she didn’t want to be like her mum and raising a baby by herself.


Olivia walked into the staffroom and saw tom. They made eye contact for a moment and she sighed. She walked off and tom walked over to her. He took a seat opposite her and she sighed at him as he looked at her "what?" She snapped aggressively and tom smirked "your still feisty, I see, I missed you" tom said as Olivia rolled her eyes at him "well, I haven't been anywhere" Olivia said as she tried to focus on her marking "we need to talk liv, your pregnant with my baby" tom said "so you remember" Olivia said as tom sighed "I'm sorry I freaked out, I just learned about josh and now your pregnant, I freaked out" tom said "you're not the only one, I'm scared too I can't do this alone, I need your help" Olivia said as a tear rolled down her face. Tom moved over so that he was sitting in the seat next to her. He pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead "it's okay, you're not going to be alone, it's my baby too and I'll be there" tom said holding her close.

Olivia sighed and walked out of the staffroom after meetings with max. She looked to tom and can tell that he was annoyed over the sets "it's what we should be done in the first place, I mean half of them can't even spell their own name" ruby said as she sipped at her coffee. Olivia looked to her and glared "yeah, well its or job to help them ruby, instead of being a judgemental cow that thinks there better than they are" Olivia said as tom choked on his cup of coffee as Olivia stood up and walked out of the staffroom. Tom followed her and chuckled "what are you like Olivia Davis?" He asked as she looked to him and smirked "you know me tom I don’t put up with her and her 'im too good for this place' crap" Olivia smirked as tom shook his head.


Olivia sighed as she stood with tom at the art English art project "you okay?" Tom asked as he walked over to her and she smiled "tired" she said as he smiled. She looked to Luke who was on litter picking "what's the betting max Tyler is responsible, for this?" Olivia asked as tom nodded "max is tough I'll give you that, and he fancies you" Tom said as Olivia rolled her eyes "he's not my type" she said as tom smirked at her "shame" tom smirked as she looked to him "why jealous?" She smirked "not at all, besides I know you always end up in my bed" tom said as Olivia looked to him "do I know?" She asked smirking before she glanced to Luke one more time and sighed "talk about humiliating him" Olivia said as she placed a hand on his arm feeling lightheaded slightly "liv, you okay" tom asked as she took a seat on a bench "you should be resting?" Tom said as she sighed "I'm pregnant tom, I'm not disabled" Olivia spat at tom who sighed "I'm sorry" he said as she looked to him and sighed "no, I am I'm just stressed" Olivia said as tom smiled "it's okay" he said as he hugged her.


That night Olivia sat in her flat as there was a knock at the door. She sighed and stood up and answered it to see tom and smiled to him "hey" Olivia said as tom held a bag of takeout food and smiled "I brought food, I thought you would be hungry, I noticed you didn’t eat much" he said as she smiled come in" she said as they walked to the sofa and sat down "I want to be thee liv, I mean it, for this baby I wasn’t for josh and I want to be there" tom said as she smiled to him "I know" she said as she rested a hand on top of his hoping that they could co parent together for their baby's sake.

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