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Things with Olivia and Tom had been working well. But deep down, Olivia was worried that it wouldn't work out for her. She was worried that the relationship wouldn't work.

When she woke that morning, she saw Tom walking into the room. He smiled. "Hey. Lexie has an appointment today. So I said we would watch Esmè? I've not seen her in a while so I thought it would be nice," he said.

Olivia nodded. "Sure. Daisy would love to see her sister anyway. Is Lexie okay?" She asked.

Tom smiled. "It's just an appointment. She's fine."


Olivia smiled as Lexie walked in. She looked at her. "Hey. So what's this appointment about?" She asked.

"I'm pregnant. But Max has given me the cold shoulder for weeks now. Even though he was the one cheating. I've booked in for an abortion. I'm not ready for another baby. Despite what I've been through before," Lexie said.

Olivia took her hand. "You sure about this?"

"Yeah. I'm sure."

"Do you want me to go with you?" Olivia asked as she looked at her.

Lexie shook her head. "No babes. Stay with Tom. He's gonna need all the help he can get today. Because Esmè is on one."

Olivia nodded. She smiled. "Text me when you're back. Do you want us to keep Esmè tonight?"

"I'll let you know. Thanks though."

Olivia walked out into the garden. She saw Tom playing with the girls who were in the paddling pool.

Olivia grinned. "Having fun?" She asked.

Tom nodded. "I'm soaked. The two of them have soaked me," he told her.

"I can see that. But they're having fun. And you know, they could both go for a nap soon?" She said.

Tom smirked. Esmè looked to them. "I no have nap now. I big girl."

Tom laughed. "You are a big girl. But daddy needs you to keep an eye on Daisy while she's napping."

"But me can't do dat if I has nap," Esmè said.

Olivia smirked. "She's got you there Thomas. Essy, do you want to come with me and make some lunch?"

"Erm can I has a sandwich? I like them."

Both the girls had gone for a nap. Tom smiled as he looked to Olivia. "I'm glad we decided to give us another chance."

"Me too. It feels good. Knowing that we're giving our little girl the family she deserves," Olivia said as she looked to him and kissed him.

Tom nodded. He pulled her close and got between her legs. Olivia groaned. "No. It's too risky. The girls could wake up."

Tom smirked. "That's a risk I'm willing to take. Come on Oli. Give into me," he said.

Olivia grinned as Tom pulled down her jeans. He positioned his member at her entrance and pushed in. Olivia moaned. "T-Tom," she moaned.

Tom shuddered in pleasure as she moaned his name. He always got turned on by her. And he knew no one else could do that to him.

But as they had sex, they had no idea that their relationship was about to be tested.

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