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Olivia smiled as she saw Lexie and Esmè. Esmè toddled over to her and hugged her legs out for her. "Hello gorgeous girl. How are you?" She asked.

"Seep at Owi house wiz Daisy," Esmè said as she twiddled the bottom of her dress. She giggled. "Pease?"

Olivia laughed and nodded. "Okay babes."

Lexie sighed and picked up Esmè. She smiled at Olivia. "Are you okay?" She asked. She knew how much Olivia had been struggling with everything that had been happening with Tom.

"I'm okay. I'm just annoyed with him for how he went and slept with someone else."

"Tell you what. I'll ask Max to mind Esmè and Daisy tonight. We can go for a couple of drinks. That way you're getting a break and Esmè is getting her sissy time," Lexie said.

Olivia nodded and smiled. "Sounds good. I'm in need of a good night out."


Tom saw Olivia and sighed. He had to hope that Lexie didn't tell her that he tried to kiss her. He knew that Olivia and Lexie were close. He knew their friendship meant more to Lexie then keeping a secret.

Tom looked at her and sighed. "How was Daisy this morning?" He asked as he handed her some coffee.

"She was fine. Max is gonna watch her and Esmè tonight while me and Lexie go out for a couple hours," Olivia said. She noticed the look on Tom's face. "What?"

"I'll have the girls tonight. I don't want Max getting his claws into Daisy."

Olivia rolled her eyes. "Oh stop it Tom. Max is a decent guy. Lexie loves him and I think she's entitled to happiness."


Lexie looked up as Tom walked in. She sighed. "Can I help you?" She asked as she put down the pen she had in her hand.

"Let me have the girls tonight. Please. I haven't had much time with Esmè and Daisy is my girl too."

Lexie sighed. "I'll agree to let you have Esmè. But you need to check with Olivia about Daisy. I'm not her mum," she told him.

Tom nodded. "You haven't told Olivia about the other week have you? How I tried to kiss you?" He asked.

"Not yet. I can't hide it from her Tom. She's my best friend and she's amazing with Esmè. I can't not tell her," Lexie said.

"She's already pissed at me because I slept with someone else. If she knows I tried to kiss you, then it'll ruin what chance I have at winning her back."


Later on that night, Olivia and Lexie were having a couple of drinks in Lexie's house before they went to the club. Max walked in and kissed her cheek. "You look radiant. Not hoping to pull are you?" He asked.

"Lexie isn't. I am."

Max smirked and nodded. He went into the living room and sat down. Lexie looked at Olivia. "Are you sure you wanna go on the pull?" She asked.

"Yeah. I need to try and move on. Tom hurt me and I can't forgive that."

Lexie smiled and nodded. But could she stop Olivia from making a mistake and finding someone new? Especially when she knew she still loved Tom.

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