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Olivia was in two minds about having another baby. She knew that she and Tom were finally in a good place. And she didn't want to rock the boat.

That morning, Tom walked into the bedroom and saw Olivia fast asleep in bed with Daisy. He smiled and picked up Daisy so that she didn't roll over. Tom knew his daughter and he knew she liked to roll over in her sleep.

Olivia groaned as she felt her daughter being lifted. She opened her eyes and saw Tom standing there. "I thought she had been kidnapped."

"Don't be daft. I said we would have Esmè today? Lexie has an appointment and she doesn't want to take her."

Olivia smiled and nodded. "That's fine. Maybe we can take them to the sealife centre? It beats staying in the house being bored."

Tom grinned. He kissed her passionately. "I love you. And I love how you've accepted Esmè."

"Why wouldn't I accept her? Tom, I love Esmè and Lexie is my best friend."

"I love you. I can't wait for us to have a new baby."

Olivia didn't know what to say. "I love you too."

Olivia smiled as Lexie walked in with Esmè. She picked up the little girl. "Daisy is waiting for you. We're taking you out today."


Tom came into the hallway and smiled as he took Esmè from her. He looked to Lexie. "Has she told you the news?"


Tom smiled. "We're trying for a baby. Esmè and Daisy are going to have another little sister," he told her.

Olivia looked to Lexie who had a confused look on her face. She followed her outside. "So. A baby huh?" Lexie asked.

Olivia sighed. "I haven't decided yet. Tom wants one. But I just don't know. We're finally in a good place and I just don't know if we could cope. Daisy is a handful as it is. And a newborn? I'll be torn between looking after a newborn and her."

Lexie nodded. She smiled. "Talk to Tom. Tell him what you've told me. That might make him slow down a little on wanting another. Especially since Daisy is still so little. She won't understand why there's another baby in the room."

"I'm just worried he won't understand. And then we're back to the bickering and the pointless rowing."

"Come to an understanding. It will help. Trust me. Now, I should go before I'm late. Thank you for having her. I appreciate it," Lexie said as she got in her car and drove off.

Tom and Olivia had taken the girls for some lunch. Olivia sighed. "I've been thinking. And I don't know if I want to try for a baby yet. I mean, I want to focus on Daisy. And making sure she has everything she wants and needs. And, having a baby, it will take time from her. And I don't want that."

Tom frowned. "I thought it was what you wanted? I mean we have a house, we're getting married. Two stable wages. What more do we need?"

"Tom. It's not fair on Daisy. She's already had one sister turn up in her life. And a baby? That will just confuse her. She won't know what to think."

Tom sighed. "We'll talk about this at home. We're not ruining today for the girls."

Olivia just nodded. But she had no idea how this was going to cause a whole more heap of trouble for Tom and Olivia's already fragile relationship.

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