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Olivia sighed to herself as she sat in bed. She sat with daisy as she sat babbling away and sighed as she looked to her phone. It was her appointment reminder for her abortion. Olivia felt scared but she knew that it was the right thing to do. She looked as Tom walked into the room and smiled "I wanted to talk to you over Esmè" he said as Olivia looked to him and sighed "If this is what I think it is don't, I don't want to hear it. I am not going to sit back and support you while you take Esmè from her mother. Lexie is my friend and she made a mistake not you can't take Esmè Away. It's not fair on her or Lexie so drop it. I am not in the mood for this same argue I don't feel well and I am tired. Just don't do this tom I am begging you" Olivia said as he looked to her and sighed

"It's not that easy and you know it, she left and didn't tell me over Esmè and one day here she is and I'm a father" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes "I know but she was scared after it all and you know she was not she is Esmè mother and ask yourself this, you have been in her life five minutes do you think you'll get full custody. I can't do this, I have the doctors can you take daisy in" Olivia said as Tom nodded. Olivia walked out of the house weighed as she sat on the car. She placed a hand on her stomach and sighed. She was scared but she knew that she couldn't have a baby again not when she felt as if she and Tom were at breaking point


Olivia sat in the staffroom as she got to work. She felt dreadful over what she had done. She looked as Lexie Walked in and smiled slightly. Lexie looked to Olivia and smiled "are you okay you look dreadful" "I can't look as bad as I feel" Olivia said as she ran her hands through her hair "what happened" Lexie asked as Olivia looked to her and smiled slightly "I had an abortion, I didn't even tell tom that I was pregnant. I'm a horrible person, I just couldn't cope" Olivia said as Lexie walked over to her and smiled as she pulled her into a hug and smiled "it's going to be okay. I won't see anything. I promise" Lexie said as she held Olivia close as she hugged her


Olivia sat down in her classroom and sighed as Tom walked in "we need to talk" he said as she looked to him and frowned "we do" she said as he placed her pregnancy test down on her desk and looked to let "when were you going to tell me that your pregnant" he asked as she looked to him and sighed "I wasn't, I'm not" she said as he looked to her and frowned "what do you mean?" "It's gone okay, so just leave me" she spat as he stood frozen as Tom frowned Feeling confused "why?" Tom asked "it was for the best" Olivia said as Tom looked to her in shock before he walked off

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