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A/n: Lexie Jones and Esmè Clarkson and any other kiddies belongs to _X_Sammii_X_


Olivia sighed as she walked out of the bedroom and into the bathroom, she looked to tom as he lay curled up next to daisy. She sighed as she walked into the bathroom. Olivia has been feeling off and she was scared that she might be pregnant again. She was scared as she knew that she and tom weren't exactly careful. She knew hat daisy was only six months old and that a baby was the last thing that they both needed or wanted especially when they were working all sorts of hours. Olivia took the pregnancy test and placed it on the side and sighed to herself as she sat on the edge of the toilet as she waited patiently. She felt sick at the thought that she could be pregnant again. She stood up and picked up the test and sighed to herself as she looked down at the test and sighed as she saw it was positive, she didn't know what they were going to do.

Olivia walked into the bedroom and sighed as she sat next to tom as he started to wake up. He looked to her and smiled "hey, are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and smiled. She wanted to tell him that she was pregnant but she couldn't find the words to tell him "I'm just tired that's all" she said as daisy started to wake up as she picked her up and held her close as she buried her head into Olivia's chest as Tom looked to Olivia and smiled "it's going to be okay, I know things have been hardly lately but we will work it out" tom said as Olivia looked to him and smiled. She only hoped that he was right.


Later that day, Olivia and tom got to work. He looked to her and frowned. He could tell that she wasn't herself "are you sure your okay" He asked as she smiled as a girl with blonde walked in as she saw the colour drain from toms face. She looked to the girl and then to tom "who's that" "my ex, she left me about a year and an half a go" he said as Olivia looked to him and frowned "so the same time that you and I started to sleep together" she asked as he looked to her and sighed "it's not like that" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes "really, as it seems as if I'm your rebound" Olivia spat as she walked off.


Later that day, Olivia walked into the staffroom and sighed as she saw Lexie and tom who were arguing "liv, are you okay" tom asked as she looked to him and nodded as he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into a hug and smiled as Olivia looked to Lexie and smiled "this is my girlfriend Lexie, there's something that you should know. Lexie has my daughter, Esmè" tom said as Lexie frowned as she saw a blonde haired girl and looked To tom not knowing how to except his daughter when she hadn't told him she was pregnant with his baby

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