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Olivia was so mad at Tom. She couldn't believe he was trying to blame her for it all.

She knew that he was pissed because she took daisy away from him. Olivia knew that she shouldn't of took daisy away from Tom but she knew why she had done and she knew that she wanted to move in from Tom cheating on her. Olivia lay in bed next to daisy who looked to her

"mama" daisy said as she rested her head in Olivia chest. Olivia smiled to herself as she wrapped an arm around and pulled her close and smiled as she held her close.

All that Olivia could think about was the stupid kiss that she had with Tom. Olivia didn't know what to do but she knew that she wasn't going to let Tom get to her and take away daisy from her.

Olivia looked as her phone rang off of the side and picked it up as she saw that Tom was calling her and sighed.

Olivia didn't know what was going on with her and Tom but the kiss they had was playing on her mind more than she would like to admit. Olivia knew that she ours have to find a way to sort it with Tom for daisys sake

Olivia got to work and stood in the staffroom. She smiled as Lexie asked in and over to her

"you look dreadful are you okay?" Lexie asked as Olivia sighed

"I have been better, I just...I'm tired and all with Tom is getting to be and he kissed me and it meant nothing" Olivia said as Lexie looked to her and smirked as she raised an eyebrow

"yeah" "I mean it lex. How's things with max?"

"They're good. He wants us to try for a baby of our own and o don't know. I don't what to do if I want to I mean as much as I love esme she is a handful" Lexie said

"your not alone this time you have max and esme is already a great big sister to daisy and she would be to any baby that you have. And max he adores esme and you know he's be a great dad" Olivia said as Lexie looked to her and smiled

"it's a big deal. I need to decide if I want to" Lexie said

"either way your an amazing mum" Olivia said as Lexie looked to her and smiled.

Olivia knew she wanted to be there to support Lexie but she knew her head was a mess when it came to Tom knowing they were past complicated right now

Olivia stood in her classroom as Tom walked in

"I want to see daisy tonight" he said

"she's at my mums"


"you can have her tomorrow what's one day and I don't want to argue it's not fair on daisy" Olivia said as Tom looked to her and sighed

"your right it's not. We need to talk over that kiss" he said

"we really don't" Olivia said as she went to walk off. He gabbed her arm

"you can't avoid me forever, we have a child and I get I messed up but we have a connection still"

"Tom" Olivia said as he pulled her close and kissed her.

Olivia tried to resist him only to wrap her arms around his neck and smirk as he pulled her close. He lifted her up onto the desk as the kiss got more passionate as he stood between her legs.

She undid his belt and smirked as he pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of them. Olivia had no idea just how complicated things were going to become

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