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Olivia groaned to herself as she heard the sound of the alarm going off. She felt tom reach across her as he knocked the alarm off. She groaned into the pillow as she rolled towards him and smiled. He looked to her and smiled "you okay?" He asked as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled "tired, little miss kept me most of the night" Olivia said as tom looked to her and smiled. He placed a hand on her bump as the baby kicked away as Olivia chuckled to herself "we are like an old parent couple" Olivia said as tom looked to her and chuckled "I know, but we are hotter" tom said as he leant in and kissed her. She placed a hand on his cheek and pulled him to her and smiled as tom looked to her "sometimes i can't believe that you're having my baby" he said as Olivia smiled "i know, she's going to be a daddy's girl, I know it" Olivia said as tom looked to her and smiled, He knew that he was excited to be a dad again, especially to have a little girl.


Olivia stood from the car as she got to work. Tom looked to her and smiled and took her hand as they walked into the school. Olivia spotted Helen who was walking into the school and looked to tom "it's her inspection today, isn't it?" Olivia asked tom who nodded "what do you think?" Olivia asked as tom looked to her and smiled "honesty it isn't likely that she will pass" tom said as they walked into the school "she not like you, she's not as good as a teacher" tom said as Olivia rolled her eyes "oh please, your only saying that because I sleep with you" Olivia said as tom looked to her and smirked "so what if i am, I'm telling you the truth, I'll tell you what, if she passes I'll get you a nice greasy bacon sandwich" tom said as Olivia looked to him and smirked "you are terrible tom Clarkson, you're on" Olivia said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her.

Olivia sat in the staffroom as she rubbed her sore feet as tom walked in. He took a seat opposite her and grabbed her feet and rubbed them for her. She looked to him and smiled "are you okay?" Olivia asked tom who sighed "josh, he's a stranger to be" tom said as she looked to him and smiled "he's your son, you need to get to know him that’s all. You have a lot of making up and missing years to do, that’s all. You need to get to know your son that’s all" Olivia said as tom looked to her and smiled "you really are amazing" tom said as he stood up and kissed her. She looked to him and smirked "I know" she siad as she placed a hand on his cheek and smiled.


Later that afternoon, Olivia walked outside into the yard and smiled to herself as she spotted tom and josh who were playing football. She stood watching them as tom looked to her and smiled "you okay?" He asked as Olivia smiled and nodded "never been better" she said as he walked over to her and smiled. He placed a hand on her bump and smiled "I can't wait for her to arrive, she's going to be perfect" tom said as Olivia smiled and nodded.

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