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Olivia sighed to herself as she stood from the car. She grabbed her bags that tom took off of her. He looked to her and frowned "are you okay? you seem moody and I don’t mean hormonal" Tom said as Olivia looked to him and smiled "I'm fine tom" she said as he raised an eyebrow at her "what's wrong?" Tom asked as Olivia looked to him and smiled "my mum called, she's coming to town" Olivia said "haven't you spoken to her?" He asked as she smiled slightly "no, she doesn't even know that I'm pregnant. I mean it's not that I'm ashamed of being pregnant, she is going to be so loved but my mum...she doesn’t believe in the whole baby out of wed lock and that. Besides I'm pregnant and I feel fat and ugly and emotionally I am not ready to see her" Olivia said as tom looked to her. He took her hand and stopped in the middle of the car park and looked to her and smiled "you are not fat and ugly, you are beautiful, oaky, your pregnant and your beautiful. In Six weeks we are going to have our baby girl and then we will deal with your mum coming, oaky?" He asked as he rested a hand on her cheek and smiled to her as she nodded.


Olivia walked into the staffroom and looked to Kim and rolled her eyes "liv?" Tom said as he walked over to her "hmm" she said as tom rolled his eyes "I was talking to you, are you okay?" He asked as she looked to him and smiled "I'm fine, I'm just not in the mood today and I'm especially not in the mood for the likes of Kim Campbell to act as if she is better than me" Olivia said as tom nodded. He knew that ever since he and Olivia had announced that they were having ab baby and before they agreed to having a go of things, to be a real couple that Kim had looked down on Olivia for having his baby and knew that she had been judging Olivia for it which was starting to get to Olivia. Tom looked to Olivia and smiled "she's not worth it, ignore her" he said as Olivia nodded.

Olivia sighed to herself as she sat in her classroom. She looked down at her phone and sighed as tom walked in "hey" he said as she looked to him and smiled "do you want to do something tonight?" He asked as she looked to him and smiled "sure, pick me up from my flat, I want to change. Can we go for food?" She asked as tom looked to her and smiled "sure" he said as he walked over to her and placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he kissed her.


Olivia sighed to herself as she changed into a pair of leggings and a loose dress. She felt more relax since she couldn’t help but feel fat in her work clothes. She heard a knock on the door and went to answer it. She paled as she saw it was her mum "mum/ what are you doing here?" Olivia asked "I came to see you" she said as she looked to her daughter and paled "your pregnant?" Claire asked as Olivia nodded as tom walked in. Claire turned to face her "oh, and you’re the boyfriend?" She asked as tom smiled "I'm tom" he said as Claire smiled "so when are you due, you could have told me" Claire asked Olivia who sighed "we're not married, i know how you feel about that" Olivia said as Claire looked to her and smiled "oli, this is great, I'm going to be a grandma" Claire said as she pulled Olivia into a hug as Olivia looked to tom over her shoulder and smiled to him.

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