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The sound of knocking woe Olivia up. She groaned and sat up seeing it was just past midnight, she groaned and grabbed toms discarded tom off of the side and slipped it on. She flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder as she walked down to the door. She opened the door to see tom standing there, he stood smirking "you cant be horny again?" Olivia asked "i forgot my shirt actually" tom said as Olivia smirked "well, you can either have the shirt or whats under it" Olivia said as she walked into the house, Tom followed her as she pulled the top of and threw it to him. He caught it and watched as she walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. His eyes darkened as he watched her walk around the room. He grabbed her waist and pulled her to him "stop it" tom said "what?" "you bloody know what, you bloody tease, you know that" Tom said as he lifted her onto the counter top "you really need to learn that you need to give me what I want" tom said as he kissed down the side of her neck and onto her shoulder. Olivia bite her lip as he spread her legs and started to pleasure her with his fingers. She grabbed a handful of his hair in her fist and yanked at it slightly.

Tom pulled away and looked to her "what do you want" Olivia asked, breathless "you, come on" tom said as he grabbed her hands and lead her back to her bedroom. He pushed her onto the bed as her hands went to his belt undoing it. She wanted him and she wanted him bad. Tom wriggled out of his jeans and pulled his hardened member out and pushed into Olivia, they move groaned as he started to move in and out of her. She ran her nails down his back as they flipped, she looked down at him and rolled her hips against his, her head rolled back. After they reached their climax, Olivia rolled over and lay next to him on the bed "can I stay the night?" tom asked and Olivia frowned and looed to him "everything okay?" she asked and tom smiled "yeah I just don't feel like driving him, that's all" tom said "sure" Olivia said as she grabbed the duvet and pulled it around her. Tom pulled her close and kissed her head both of them falling asleep in minutes.


Olivia stood for toms car and yawned the next morning "you know that me getting out of your car, doesn't say anything at all" Olivia said "liv, all it says is that I gave a colleague of mine a lift into work" tom said as Olivia raised an eyebrow to him "yeah, a colleague you were screwing in the shower an hour ago" Olivia said as tom smirked "you enjoyed it as much as I did" tom said as they walked into the staff room. Tom sighed as he looked to his pigeon hole "what is it? you seem tense?" Olivia said as tom handed her a picture "oh wow" "everyday this week, vie had one, its really starting to annoy me" tom said and Olivia smiled to him "my pigeon hole, my desk even on the English notice board, I don't know who or why there doing this" tom said "cant you trace the picture back?" Olivia asked "i could try but..i got rid of all my pictures when I got married and I don't post things about me online" "we''ll sort it out" Olivia said as tom smiled to her.


Max walked into the staffroom, he looked to Olivia and smiled "so, what are you doing after work?" max asked "no plans" Olivia said "so, why don't you say you and I do something?" max asked as Olivia took a sip of her coffee "maybe" she said as she looked up. She could feel tom glaring at her before he walked out. Olivia watched as max walked out before she went after tom. He had his back to her as she walked into his classroom "ive I wasn't mistake, I would think you were jealous" "of course not" "then why storm off" Olivia asked as tom turned to face him "i dot like the thought of you with him" tom said as she sighed "you knew the deal, it was your idea and I agreed, you cant go all jealous, besides I didn't say yes" "you didn't say no, either" tom said "your jealous?" "so what if I am" tom said as Olivia walked over to him "theres nothing to be jealous over" Olivia said as tom hugged her Neither of then knowing just how things were going to change between them.

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