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Olivia had been away for a couple of months. It was nearing Daisy's birthday. And she was missing Tom slightly. She didn't know how to feel about him.

Olivia woke that morning and saw a text from Lexie;

I need your help. Please. Tom wants to take Esmè from me because of you taking Daisy - Lexie x

Olivia was shocked. She sighed and looked at her daughter. She knew that she needed to go back to Rochdale. But she was scared.

A few days later, Olivia pulled up outside Lexie's house. She sighed and took a sleeping Daisy out of the car.

Lexie opened the door and smiled. "Thanks for coming. Tom went for custody. He says Esmè isn't safe with me because she had an accident and ended up in A&E."

Olivia sighed. "It'll be okay. I won't let him do this. I promise," she told her. She took out her phone. "I'll text Tom. I'll tell him to meet me now."

Tom got a text from Olivia. He felt anger overcome him. He hadn't seen his daughter in months and he missed her so much.

Tom text back telling Olivia to meet him at the park. He hoped she would bring Daisy. He needed a cuddle from his little girl.

Olivia was waiting at the park. She had Daisy and Esmè with her. She noticed Tom walking towards her. "You're a selfish bitch!" He spat.

"You what?"

"You took my daughter from me! You did what Lexie did! You took my own daughter from me!"

Olivia rolled her eyes. "You cheated on me! How the hell do you except me to stay with you?! You're deluded if you think that I would have," she said.

Tom scoffed. "Where is Daisy?"

"Esmè took her over there. They're on the playground."

Tom walked over to his girls and held them both close. Olivia felt bad when she saw how Daisy didn't recognise him.

Tom had followed Olivia back to Lexie's. Lexie took both the girls inside while Olivia stayed outside with Tom.

Tom looked at her. "Do you realise how heartbreaking that was? My own little girl not knowing who I am so she was scared of me?"

"I know. I'm so sorry."

Tom rolled his eyes. "You're a selfish cow. It comes to something when my own daughter doesn't know who I am! You're just a cow."

Olivia scoffed. "Do you know why I came back? Because you're trying to take Esmè from Lexie. You want to do what me and Lex did! You're pathetic."

"I'm pathetic? Have you looked in the mirror?! You're the pathetic one. Running away because I had sex with someone else?"

Olivia slapped Tom. He glared at her. Tom grabbed her and held her against the car. Their lips soon met in a heated kiss.

Olivia found herself kissing back. She slapped him again. "We are never ever getting back together. I hate you."

"You're the mother of my daughter."

Olivia rolled her eyes. She went to walk off. But she turned back to Tom. "You're not going to see me or Daisy again. Not if you don't change your mind about this stupid custody thing."

"Are you gonna stop me?"

Olivia walked off leaving Tom standing there. But she had no idea that he was planning on making her pay for leaving him.

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