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Tom was annoyed. He was annoyed with Olivia and how she had gone out. He didn't want her to go out and end up meeting someone else. He still wanted her, he knew he had messed up and how he had slept with someone else but he knew that the last thing the wanted was to lose her. He wanted to find a way to win her back and he knew it wasn't going to be easy.

Tom sighed as he tried to call Olivia, he knew that she was still avoiding him. She had kicked him out of the house after he had cheated and he knew he needed t o get out of the bed sit he had been staying at he had messed up big and he needed to make it up to Olivia somehow.

Tom knew that Olivia couldn't know over how he tried to kiss lexie either, the kiss meant nothing to him and If Olivia found out that there would be no chance that she would ever forgive him. Tom sighed as the phone Went to answer phone and sighed as he threw the phone on the side, Tom knew it was all a mess and he wanted his family back. He just needed to find a way to make it work and proof to Olivia just what she meant to him.

Tom got to the house as Olivia answered the door and looked to him and frowned as she crossed her arms over her chest and looked to him

"so do you want to tell me who had our daughter when you decided to go out last night?" He asked as she looked to him and sighed

"my mother had her, she wanted to spend some time with her granddaughter and what are you saying Tom as a mother I am not entitled to a night out, as we are not together anymore so you can't tell me what to do anymore. So back off" Olivia said as she went to slam the door as he stepped no the way, Tom looked to her and sighed

"you can't cut me out olivia, we have a child together for god sake. I know that you still love me and I love you too, we were great together so why don't we try again" he said as he placed A hand on her cheek as he leant in and kissed her, Olivia kissed him bad for a moment before she pushed him away

"no, I can't, we are over and you ruined it. You did this to us and how you are nothing to me, not now" Olivia spat as Tom looked to her and frowned as he realised he had lost everything


Olivia smiled as she set daisy down for a nap. Lexie and Esmè walked into the house. Esmè looked to daisy and smiled


"sissy is asleep, why don't you watch some tv" Olivia said as Esmè nodded. Olivia walked into the kitchen as she started to clean up as Lexie followed her in

"I got your text over Tom, is everything okay" Lexie asked as Olivia turned to face her and sighed

"not really, I hate that man but I love him and I don't know what to do. He slept with somebody else because he was pissed at me what sort of man does that, but I love him and he kissed me and I jut felt it. The spark and I had to be strong and sat it was nothing" Olivia said as Lexie looked to her and smiled

"there is something that you should know, I should of told you but I didn't want to upset you anymore but when you and Tom broke up. He made a pass at me" Lexie said. Olivia looked to her and frowned. She felt it inside of her, she felt her heart shatter completely and it killed her


Olivia couldn't do it anymore. Tom had pushed her. She had made a decision, she was leaving with daisy. She was going to leave and Tom couldn't find her. She couldn't act as if she was okay when he had broke her heart. Lexie looked to Olivia as she helped her back the car

"are you sure about this?"

"I have to, it's for the best lex" Olivia said as she fastened daisy into the car and sighed. Olivia had to leave it was for the best. Lexie hugged Olivia and smiled

"call me when you get there"

"I will and as far as your concerned you didn't know I won't have him try take Esmè from you" Olivia said as Lexie looked to her and nodded but could Olivia really leave Rochdale and Tom behind like it was nothing and would Tom find out Lexie helped Olivia leave with his daughter?

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