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Olivia had been considering what Tom said over trying. She knew he was being genuine but she knew a lot had happened.

Olivia sat in bed with daisy and looked to the empty spot next to her and frowned. She knew that she hated sleeping alone. She hated sleeping without him as it wasn't the same and she knew that she did miss him and what they had.

She knew it had all turned messy when she learned over esme. She loved Lexie and esme but she knew it had come between her relationship when she learned what she was to Tom.

When she learned that she was the girl he was screaming to get over his relationship and she wanted them to mean more than that after all she did love him and they did have a child together.

She looked to daisy as she sat babbling on the bed and smiled as she grabbed her phone and sighed as she sent Tom a text saying that she was ready to talk. She knew that she missed him and she knew it wasn't going to be easy but she did want to try again and she knew it wouldn't be easy especially after everything that she and Tom had been through together
Olivia stood in the staffroom as she got to work as Lexie walked in and looked to her

"you look as if you have the weight of the world on your shoulders" Lexie said as Olivia smiled

"yeah. I told Tom I wanted to talk. I have thought about it and I want to try again and I feel as if there is being more harm done then good by ignoring it all. I love him still and I do want us to try again" Olivia said as Lexie looked to her and smiled

"you and Tom have hurt each other in the past but you are not those people and you don't want to but daisy through it. The arguing and pretending to hate each other especially when we know it's not hate. It's normal and it's love. It's your only twisted way of loving each other and it is going to be okay" Lexie said as Olivia looked to her and smiled

"I hope is as it is a mess and I know we have been through a lot but I do want to try and make it work. I know that it won't be easy but I do" Olivia said as Lexie smiled

"it will be okay. You and Tom are good for each other" Lexie said as Olivia looked to her and smiled. She hoped Lexie was right as she knew how scared she was over trying again

Olivia smiled as she sat in her classroom as Tom walked in and looked to her and smiled

"I got your message" he said as she looked to him and nodded

"I thought that we should talk. I know things are messy with us but I thought we should try and out this right. I still love you Tom and it's hard but I do want to try again if it's what you want" Olivia said as Tom looked to her and smiled as he pulled her close

"it is what I want I want you" he said as he leant in and kissed her. She kissed him back and smiled but could a second chance with Olivia and Tom really work?

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