one-shot #26

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Prompt: Hermione falls asleep in Y/N's lap. Y/N holds Hermione close and doesn't move from her spot for hours.

The Room of Requirement. Normally used for secret meetings or gatherings, but in this case, a movie night for two close friends.

Y/N grabbed the remote to the television and sunk into the couch behind her. "What're we watching, Mione?"

"I'm thinking Titanic?"

A groan fell from Y/N's lips. "Seriously? We watch that every single time." She huffed and rolled her eyes.

Hermione giggled. "Fine, fine. You can choose what movie." She sat next to Y/N and smiled. Y/N stood up and made her way over to the television and case of movie DVD's. She grabbed one and slid it into the DVD slit on the television, then made her way back to the couch next to Hermione.

"Which did you choose?" The bushy-haired girl turned to face the latter.

"The Notebook." Y/N said with a smile. Hermione rolled her eyes and placed her head onto Y/N's shoulder. A small blush plastered its way across her face.

Close friends? No, not these two. Y/N and Hermione have unknowingly fancied each other since their third year at Hogwarts. Funny enough, the both are now in their sixth years, still completely oblivious to the feelings each other has for them.

"Such a romantic you are, Y/N." Hermione snickered and snuggled closer to the girl. Y/N let out a soft laugh and scooted away from Hermione, then turned towards her. She smiled at the pout the Gryffindor had on her face.

"Here, lay your head in my lap, it'll be more comfortable."

Hermione nodded and smiled. She carefully placed her head in Y/N's lap and let out a small, content sigh when she relaxed. Y/N's hands quickly found Hermione's hair and started to play with it.

A smile plastered itself onto Hermione's face, along with a small blush. She reached out and grabbed the remote, then clicked the play button to start the movie. She placed the remote down and leaned back into Y/N's touch, relaxing once again.

Y/N pulled a blanket over Hermione's legs and upper body, making sure she was comfortable and warm. Hermione looked up and smiled at Y/N, taking in every detail on her face. Her sharp jawline, her eyes, her lips. She stopped at her lips. Her soft, plump, pink lips. Oh, how badly she wanted to kiss Y/N's lips.

She was snapped out of her gaze by Y/N's thumb running over her cheek. "Were you even listening to anything I said? Or paying attention to the movie?"

"Y-Yes. I was."

"What did I say then, Hermione?"

Hermione's mouth opened and closed, like she was trying to get words out, but she said nothing. She looked away in embarrassment and Y/N just laughed.

Both of the girls went back to watching the movie. About a half an hour in, Hermione began to get tired. Her eyelids were fluttering shut, then open, then shut, then open again, like a broken record repeating itself.

She tried to keep herself awake, if not for her sake, for Y/N's, but eventually she gave in and let slumber come over her body.

A few hours later, Hermione awoke to her and Y/N in the same positions as before, the latter playing with the Gryffindor girl's hair.

"Hey, sleepy girl." Y/N flashed a lopsided smile at Hermione.

"Y/N/N, did you stay here the whole time?"

Y/N nodded. Hermione sat up and stretched, audible pops and snaps being heard. "You didn't need to do that, you know."

"Well maybe I wanted to." Y/N stood up and stretched. She checked the time and her eyes slightly widened. "We should get back to the dorms, it's an ungodly hour."

Y/N turned towards Hermione and was met by a smile and brown eyes staring directly into hers.

"What is it, Mione?"

Saying nothing, Hermione stepped towards Y/N and placed a kiss on her cheek. "Just, thank you for tonight, I loved it."

"Y-Yeah, anytime." Y/N brought her hand up to her cheek, where Hermione's lips had just touched. She watched Hermione's smile get slightly bigger as she walked towards the exit of the Room of Requirement.

"See you later, Y/N."

"Bye, Mione, see you later." Y/N smiled.


whoop whoop im alive. maybe ill start updating daily or every few days again, who knows, my schedule is kinda tight but heres something to hold you over for now :)

hermione granger one-shots x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now