one shot #2

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A/n: mention of physical harm, such as getting in a fight

Prompt: You are born into the Weasley family, with Ronald Weasley being your twin. You were sorted into Gryffindor like the rest of your family. A certain someone, Draco Malfoy, decided to try and befriend you at the beginning of the first year, but you denied his friendship, causing his issue with bullying you to get worse and worse over the years. Your wonderful girlfriend comes and saves the day as always then takes you away to comfort you.

I was walking through the halls trying to get to the girl's bathroom when a certain platinum-blond haired someone stopped you in the hall. You rolled your eyes and backed away from him and his posse. "What do you want, Malfoy." 

He shoved you against a wall and had you pinned there by your collar. You squirmed and struggled but it was no use, he was stronger and bigger than you. "You're nothing but a worthless Weasley. You're about as good looking as a weasel as well." You felt the hand of one of his minions jab you in the stomach. He dropped you from the wall and you fell to the ground clutching your stomach. You tried to crawl away but Draco took it upon himself to kick you. "Absolutely worthless. Hermione's only dating you out of pity. She could do so much better than a Weasley like you." His shoe connected with my nose and my vision started to go black.

A muffled voice cried out my name and ran over to me, standing in front of my body to shield me from any attacks. I heard the sound of a spell being casted and the muffled sound of footsteps got quieter and quieter. I slightly recognized the person who stood before me, Hermione Granger, my beloved girlfriend. I tried to sit up to hug her but my vision went completely black.


I woke up with a horrible headache and a sharp pain in my stomach. I groaned and felt arms around me. I looked up and saw the face of my girlfriend. I leaned up to kiss her but I immediately lay back down at the pain in my stomach and head. She quickly leaned her head down and connected her lips with mine. I smiled and slowly sat up. "What exactly happened to me, Mione?"

She helped me steady myself and sat me on her lap with her arms around me. "Draco and his posse again." She peppered my cheek and neck with kisses. "But don't worry, I took care of them. I don't think they'll be messing with you anytime soon."  She continued to pepper me with kisses. I turned around so I was straddling her. She wrapped her arms gently around my waist and I brought my hands up to her face and cupped her cheeks.

"Thank you, Mione, I love you." I kissed her.

"I love you too, [Y/n]." She kissed me back and we lay back down. I fell asleep in her embrace and she shortly fell asleep after me.


A/n: sorry for the short one but its currently 2:30am and I am very sleep deprived. thanks for reading tho :D

hermione granger one-shots x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now