Chapter 2

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Pheobe's POV

"Where do you wanna go first?" I Asked. We were about 5 minutes from the mall at the moment. We both looked at Eachother and smiled. "STARBUCKS!" We both yelled and both laughed. I Almost fell off my pennyboard because i wasn't paying Attention. We reached starbucks and Hopped off our boards and ran inside. I ordered a venti Cookie Crumble Mocha. Devon ordered a Venti strawberries and Cream. I Was so thirsty and it was so hot right now so i kinda needed this. We grabbed our drinks and Headed round the mall. I Finished mine pretty quickly as i was so thirsty so i just threw the Cup away. As  we were walking round some guy bumped into me and i tripped. Devon burst out laughing "Shut up you!" I Said whilst laughing. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I Wasn't looking where i was going." He said. I Looked at him and i was speechless. He was... Gorgeous. Dirty blonde hair all swooped back into a quiff. Bright greeny-blue eyes which really stood out. The sun was reflecting perfectly off his face exposing all his features. He looked amazing. I Snapped out of my daze and smiled. "It's OK. I'm fine." I Said Giggling. "Are you sure?" He asked. "I'm sure" I Said.  "I'm Connor" He said smiling. "Pheobe." I Said and smiled back. "Nice to meet you Pheobe." He said, his beaming smile showed his pearly white teeth perfectly. I Introduced Devon and we stood there and Talked for a while. He was such a nice guy. "Hey Pheobs? I Gotta go. I've planned to meet up with a friend at 1, why don't you stay with Connor!" Devon said. "Sure! If he doesn't mind?" I Said looking at him. He smiled wide. "Don't mind at All!" He said. I Giggled and said goodbye to Devon and told her i'd see her later.  "What do you say we go for a walk round the park?!" Connor said enthusiastically. "Sure!" I Said back. Smiling big. I Had a feeling me and Connor were going to be good friends.

Connor's POV

I Accidently just ran into some Girl!! Jesus Connor! But i don't regret running into Her! She is so Cool. She's sweet and funny. We decided to go for a walk round the park because her friend had to leave. "So. Tell me about yourself" She said. "What do you want to know?" I Replied. "Uh... I Don't know. How about, we have to take it in turns to ask eachother questions and we have to give the Answers?" She said. "Sure!!" I Said. "You go first!" i smiled "Ok, Do you have any pets?" She said. "Yeah, i have two cats, Pre and Sam. But they live back in my home town in minnesota, so i don't have any here." I Said. "You're from minnesota?!" She said. "Yeah, why?" I Asked. "I'm from there!" She smiled. "Cool!!" I Said back. "How bout' you? You got any pets?" I Asked. "Nope. i want one though." She smiled. "What is you're favourite Drink?" She asked. "Oh thats easy! Arizona Tea!" I Said. "I've never had that." She replied. "What?!" I Basically yelled, which made her Laugh. "Come with me. I'm buying you a can!" I Said. I Threw her over my shoulder and she squealed and started laughing. "CONNOR! PUT ME DOWN!" She said, laughing. "Not until we're at the shop!" I Said "Ugh. Fine!"She said. She was so cute.

A/N; Hey Guys!! The first maybe 6 or so chapters might be kinda short! But they will get longer as i continue the story!! Bye guys!

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