Chapter 25

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A/N; Hey Guys, Gonna skip forwards 1 month, just so you guys know. And i was thinking of finishing this story soon and starting another one, Let me know what you guys think, i would write two at once but then that would confuse me. So let me know what you guys want x

Connor's POV **1 Month later**

Me, Pheobe, Izzy, Joe, Devon, JC, Noelle, Jai, Kian, Andrea, Sam, Ricky, Trevor were all chilling in the Pool again, we all agreed that NO truth or dare would be happening AT ALL!! We were swimming and just having a fun time, but i was still trying to think. It was Pheobe's birthday in 1 week. I'm trying to think of what to get her. After about 10 more minutes of thinking, i came up with the best idea, i just needed to design it... "Pheebz, I'm gonna go inside and do something. I Will be back in about 15-20 minutes" I Said smiling. "OK Babe" She smiled as i softly kissed her lips. I Went inside and ran straight up to my Computer. (Just made that website up). I Clicked on design a penny board and started Creating. I Knew she'd LOVE this!! I Designed a pennyboard that had the Exact drawing i did in the sand at the beach on the day of the date. and i know the present is Cheesy but i don't care, i love her. I Ordered it and put my Card details in to pay for it. Once i'd done that i shoved my card back in my wallet and ran back outside to the pool. "Hey Babe! What did you need to go do?" She asked as she hugged me. "Top Secret" I Smiled. "but baaaabeee" She whined. "Nope. Not telling you. You'll have to wait and see" I Laughed and she pulled a sad face but eventually Laughed. "Meanie!" She laughed. I Kissed her forehead and leaned against the wall of the pool.

Pheobe's POV

Connor came back and got in the pool. He has refused to tell me what he was doing. Rude. We laughed about it eventually though. I Hate surprises. I Don't wanna wait to find out what's going on!! But i refuse to snoop. I've done that before and it didn't end well... Anyway. We continued relaxing and talking and Laughing in the pool and we did NOT play truth or dare. We are not having any more of the Drama we had last time. Then Connor ran inside again and came out with the Biggest Crate of Arizona i'd ever seen in my Life. We all swam over and grabbed a can. Why was this stuff so gooood!!!!

Sam's POV **NEW POV!!**

Ugh... Why?! Every time i look at Pheobe i just seem to feel happy. She was so perfect. But i can't feel like this! She's with Connor. He's so damn Lucky to have her. I Just wish i'd been the one to run into her that day, maybe i'd be in Connor's shoes. Trevor kept giving me a weird look and signaled for me to go inside. I Jumped out the pool and walked inside. He followed me. "Sam? What's going on?" He said. "What do you mean?" I Asked. "All you've been doing is look at Pheobe man. That's not cool" He said. I Sighed. "I Know. She just seems so perfect." I Sighed. "Dude. You can't you've seen the way her and Connor are together, they're crazy about eachother. You've just gotta ignore it because think about how Connor would react if he found out. Because knowing you, you wouldn't tell him, you'd just kiss her. Not on purpose. you'd just do it in the moment. You gotta ignore it, hopefully it'll go away" He said. "Yeah.  I Guess. Thanks bro." I Said as we went back to the pool. I Didn't look at Pheobe at all. All i've got to do is ignore it, maybe i could find someone else. There was an O2L meet up in a couple of weeks, maybe i'd meet someone there...

Connor's POV **1 Week later (Pheobe's birthday)**

I Had just woken up and The Birthday Girl was still sleeping. I Slowly wriggled out of the bed carefully making sure not to wake her up and went downstairs to make her breakfast. I Made a bowl of fruit and fresh Orange juice and put it on a tray and started to cook some bacon and Eggs, Whilst i was waiting for it to cook i picked up my phone and sent out a tweet... @ConnorFranta; Happy Birthday to my Beautiful and Amazing Girlfriend @ItzPheebzz. I Love you Baby. I Sent the tweet with one of our selfies linked and put the bacon and Eggs on a plate and put it on the Tray. My phone then went off with mentions, 1 from Pheobe. She was obviously awake now then. ItzPheebz; @ConnorFranta. Thankyou Baby. I Love you too, You really are the most amazing boyfriend i could Ever ask for <3 :) xx I Smiled and retweeted and favourited it before sticking my phone in my pocket and walking upstairs with the tray of food. I Opened our bedroom door and started singing happy birthday. She smiled. "Awwhh!! You made me birthday breakfast! Thankyou babe!" She smiled. I Smiled back and placed the tray on the bed. She kissed my Cheek and started eating. She shared the bacon with me. Jeez. I Must be special if she's gonna share her bacon with me, She NEVER shares her bacon!! Haha! We got up and didn't bother Changing, We just stayed in our sweatpants and oversized shirts and headed downstairs. Once we were down there Everyone was up. Pheobe got pounced on my Devon and Izzy who then started singing happy birthday, then everyone Joined in. She smiled and thanked everyone. We all sat down at the island, Pheobe seemed so happy to be able to spend her birthday with her best friends. I Really do love her.

Pheobe's POV

We were now downstairs, all sitting down at the island talking. I Was so happy to be able to spend today with my best friends. I Switched my phone on silent because twitter was going mad on me!! Plus, i've realised, it's my upload day today on YouTube!! Oh well. I'll figure that out later. We all walked into the Living room and there was a Pile of presents in the Corner. "Jesus Guys!" I Said. They just Laughed. We sat down and JC was handing me my presents. I Started off with Devons, it was AMAZING!! I Opened it to find to white Photo frames with selfies in we'd taken when we were like 14!! It was so cute! "OH MY GOD DEVON I LOVE IT!! THANKYOU!" I Yelled as i hugged her. She laughed. "Your welcome. Love ya'" She smiled. "Love ya' too" I Smiled back. Then i opened Izzy's. It was a massive Tube...? I Took out what was inside and unrolled it. It was a massive poster of my Favourite singer! Ed sheeran! "IZZY!! OMG!! This is going on my wall!!" I Yelled and she smiled. "So happy you like it!" She smiled. "LIKE? I LOVE!!!" I Smiled and hugged her. It took me about 20 minutes to get to the last present!! Christ!! The last present was Connor's. It was wrapped so well. I Looked at the label. Thought of this when we were in the pool last week!! I Love you Pheobe. Happy birthday! -Con.da.bon xx It said. I Smiled and Kissed his cheek as i opened the present. I Was speechless. It was absolutely Perfect! "Oh my god Connor! It's Perfect! Thankyou so much!" I Smiled as i hugged him. He smiled and hugged me back."It's OK Babe. You deserve it. I Love you." He whispered. "I Love you too Connor" I Smiled and then Kissed him softly, and then pulled back smiling. "And thankyou Everyone else!! I LOVE EVERYTHING!" I Smiled and they all smiled back and we got into a group hug. "I Love you guys so much!" I Laughed. "Love you too!" They all yelled in unison. "We're going out in about 20 minutes Pheebz! We're gonna test your board out!" Connor smiled. "YES!!" I Yelled and hugged him. Then my phone started ringing. I Answered it. It was Evan.
P; Thankyouuu!! I Love you brother!!
E; Love you to sisterrr!! I Hope you have a great day!! What did you get?!
P; There is too much to explain over the Phone! It will all be in my YouTube video later! If you watch that later you can see everything. I Gotta go, me and Connor are going out in a bit and i'm still in my PJ's!
E; OK! I'll call you later!! Love you!
P; Love you too ! Bye!

Then i hung up. HE REMEMBERED! I Don't know why i thought my brother wouldn't remember my birthday, but he did. So oh well! Then me and Connor raced up the stairs and Changed. I Threw on my acid wash skinni jeans with my 'Frantastic Monday' pullover and my 'CF' Connor Franta merchandise beanie. I Took a mirror picture and tweeted it with; It'sPheebz; Casually styling out the Boyfriends Merchandise :) Haha! Love you @ConnorFranta! <3. I Went to put my phone back in my pocket but it vibrated again. It was a tweet from Connor... ConnorFranta; @ItzPheebz, LOVING IT BABE! Not as much as i love you though :*. I Smiled before Retweeting it and heading downstairs to find Connor ready to leave. Connor then pulled out a 2nd Pennyboard exactly the same and smiled. "We are just so tumblr with our matching Pennyboards!" He said in a sassy fangirl Voice. I Laughed and kissed his cheek before grabbing my board and Camera. Connor grabbed my hand and we went out the door and boarded down the street hand in hand. How was i so Lucky to cross paths with this boy?!

Pennyboards and Arizona.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt