Chapter 29

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Pheobe's POV *2 Weeks later*

We were all currently packing for Vidcon. The biggest youtuber Convention in the world! Devon, Izzy, Noelle and Jai had free entry because of the guys and me and stuff!! Awesomeee!!! Izzy walked in to mine and Connor's room. Her face more pale than i'd ever seen it. I Walked up to her. "Iz?! What's wrong?! You look sick?!" I Said all worried. Connor walked over. "Woah, what's wrong. You don't look well at all" Connor said. She pulled out a stick from her back pocket that had two red lines on it and handed it to me. The expression on her face i'd never seen before. "Oh... my... God." I Said. "I TOLD YOU" Connor whisper-Yelled. I Gave him the death stare. "Not the time!" I Whispered. I Hugged her tight. "Have you told Joe?" I Asked. "No." She said. "Izzy. You have to tell him asap!" I Said hugging her. "I Know, i'm just scared for what he'll say." She said. She looked like she was about to cry. "Tell him at Vidcon." I Said. She smiled weakly. "It'll be OK, Iz." Connor said rubbing her shoulder. She nodded and hugged us both and left. Oh my god.

Connor's POV

"I TOLD YOU!" I Yelled once Izzy left the room. "Connor!! Did you not see the expression on her face. She's scared! You won the bet! Asshole!" She Said serious at the beginning but laughing slightly at the end, She gave me my $30 and We continued packing. About 30 minutes later we were done packing our stuff and threw everything in a bag we'd need for the Journey. We'd already packed our pennyboards and we were just taking everything downstairs. "Pheobe! Connor! Devon! JC! Are you ready or what?!" We heard Noelle and Jai yell from downstairs. "Coming!" We all yelled from different rooms and ran downstairs with our bags. We threw them in the Car and drove off.

Pheobe's POV

We were now at the Hotel, Me, Connor, Devon and JC were in one suite. Joe, Izzy, Noelle and Jai were in another. The rest of O2L were in there own room and Andrea and her friend Jenn were in with them, I'd just met her and she is amazing!! I Got her number aswell. I Think we're gonna get along well. Everyone with us that isn't on youtube is still gonna get so much recognition! They've been in our Videos tons of times! Izzy and Devon have already been recognised alot from Videos with Joe and JC. It was so nice to see them Have fun like that aleady even though we haven't been here long. It was about 6pm now and we were pretty hungry so we decided to order Pizza from Room service. Once it arrived it wasn't there for long. It was gone in like 5 minutes flat. Jesus.  We were all in Mine, Connor's, Devon's and JC'S room watching TV and laughing. We laughed for hours and by the time we looked at the Clock it was 11pm! We all said goodnight and Everyone headed back to there room. Me, Connor, JC and Devon all tidied up our room and climbed into bed. We were so tired and had to be up at 7am to get ready for VidCon...

Connor's POV **The next morning.**

I Woke up and heard the Shower running but It stopped after that. Pheobe then walked out the shower wrapped in her towel and Grabbed her Clothes for the day. She changed into her dark denim shorts and white flowing tank top. She looked amazing. She quickly Dried her hair and straightened it. Then jumped on top of me. I Laughed. "Morning Pheebz" I Smiled. "Morning Con.da.bon" She smiled. I Quickly kissed her lips and jumped in the Shower quickly, i was out in 10 minutes. I Changed into my 3 quarter lengths and my Internet af tee. Rocking my own Merch! Haha! I Dried my hair and styled the Quiff. Then Devon and JC walked in with Mcdonalds Breakfast. They know us too well!! We ate and i decided to send out a tweet. ConnorFranta; With @ItzPheebz, @Izzyboo, @DevRowan and @JCCaylen in our hotel room! Buzzing for Vidcon guys!! Can't wait to meet you!! I Typed and sent it. Almost instantly i got a ton of Replies. 1 From Pheobe. ItzPheebz; So excited babe! Can't wait to meet everyone! I Smiled and retweeted it. It was about 9am and everyone was in our room, we were all ready and we decided to head out to go help set up our stage. We arrived at about 9.45am. People were already waiting outside in the Line. It makes sense though. Vidcon did start at 11.30. We waved at a bunch of people and headed inside to help set up!

Devon's POV

We were all inside now helping set up the stage. We were too Excited. Me and Izzy had signed a lot of stuff, which i don't understand because we're not youtubers!? But it was fun meeting all these people though! We'd been setting up for about 15 minutes now and Pheobe didn't look to good. "You alright there Pheebz?" I Asked. She just nodded but quickly ran to the bathroom. I Ran after her. She ran into the bathroom and into the stall. It sounded like she was throwing up. "Pheobe?! Are you OK?" I Asked. She walked out the stall. "Yeah, i'm fine now. I Just didn't feel great." She said. "OK, Just wanted to be sure you're OK." I Said. She washed her hands and got some gum from the Machine. We headed back to the stage. "You OK babe?" Connor asked her. "Yeah, just didn't feel well. I'm fine now though" She smiled. "OK, Just tell me if you feel ill again baby" He said hugging her. "I Will. I Love you" She smiled. "I Love you too" He smiled. They were so cute together!! 

Connor's POV **4 Hours later**

Me and Pheobe were talking to a bunch of Girls who watch our Videos. They were so sweet. We took pictures with them, signed some stuff. Then one of the Girls said something. "Have you two ever thought of making a couple Channel? Like, make Videos on there together once a week. That'd be so cool!!" She said. Me and Pheobe smiled at the Idea. "Actually no. But that's a great idea!! We should think about that!" I Smiled. We took some more pictures and said goodbye and went to find everyone else, Izzy looked kinda worried. Me and Pheobe walked over. "Have you told him yet?" I Asked. She shook her head. "Go. Tell him now." Pheobe said. Izzy got up and walked over to joe.

Joe's POV

Izzy walked over to me and tapped me on the Shoulder. "Babe? I Need to talk to you" She said. "Ok?" I Said confused and walked over to somewhere Quiet. She was looking at the floor and it looked like she was going to Cry. "Iz? Whats wrong?" I Asked. "I...I'm pregnant" She whispered.  I Caught the tear that was just going to fall. I Pulled her into a hug. "Shhhh... It's OK. We will work through this. We will work this out. Dont worry babe." I Said as she sobbed into my shirt.  We decided to talk about it later and we brushed it off and Continued to meet fans.

Connor's POV **4 Hours later**

Izzy had now told Joe. They agreed to talk about it another time and just carry on with the day. It was now about 7.30 and we decided to head back. We were leaving tomorrow. Once we got back we ate a shit ton of food and watched movies together. Everyone was in the O2L Suite and me and Pheobe were just Chilling with a movie. We fell asleep with the movie on. Today was a good day.

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