Chapter 6

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Connor's POV

She said yes... I Asked her too be my Girlfriend and she said yes. I Don't think anyone could possibly understand how happy i am right now. I Know it sounds stupid since i've only known her for 2 days but there was something about her that was just so perfect. "Pheebz? Do you wanna head back? We've been here for a while now." I Said. "Sure." She said smiling. We walked out the woods hand in hand and headed towards home. "Connor....? I Can't be bothered to walllkkk...!" She said. I Laughed. "Come here then!" I Said as i bent down to let her jump on my back. She wrapped her Legs around me and i held onto her legs to make sure she didn't fall off. We headed back to my house just talking about random stuff. It was actually so fun. Now i know she's mine makes me even happier. 

Pheobe's POV

Connor gave me a piggy back ride back to his place because i couldn't be bothered to walk. It was so much fun, we spoke and Laughed about random stuff all the way back. When we got back to his we went straight to the fridge and got food. Trust us. We ran to the Living room and put 'mean girls' on and binge ate popcorn until it came out of our ears. About half way through the Movie my phone started to ring. It was Devon. I Left the room to answer it and told connor i would be back in a minute.
p; hey!
d:Hey Pheebz! What time you coming back?
p; I Don't know, maybe an hour or so. I'm still with Connor.
d; What are you two?! Anyways! Do you wanna go to the beach when your back! i feel like we haven't been to the beach in forever!! Connor can come if he wants, i've got another friend coming so bring connor along!
P; OK Sure! I'd love too! I'll text you and let you know if Con's Coming! BYE GURRRLL!!
D; BYE!!

I Hung up and went back into the living room and jumped onto the couch and snuggled up in connor's chest. "Con. Devon just asked me if i wanted to go to the beach when i got back. She said you could come if you want because she's got someone else coming. Do you wanna come?" I Asked. "Yeah, sure babe! I'd love too!" He said. I Jumped up and smiled. I Ran upstairs to grab my pennyboard from the spare room and Connor went to get his swim Trunks. He grabbed his board on the way out and we headed back to mine and Devons so i could grab my Swim costume. I Hugged devon and said hey and stuff. And i went and changed into my Blue and white striped Bikini and put my yellow shorts and white Croptop over it and we boarded to the beach to meet up with this Guy that Devon mentioned. Wow. Another guy already.

Connor's POV

Me and Pheobe headed back to her's and devons place so Pheebz could get her swim costume. She came out and Devon had been talking about some guy she's just become friends with. She never said his name though. We decided to board to the beach.  Once we got there we set our blankets on the sand and sat down for a bit. Dev said her friend would be her in 5 minutes. We were all talking and Pheobe asked me something. "Con? Who are the Other guys you live with?" She asked me. "Oh! We're in a collab channel on youtube and we all have seperate channels aswell! I Forgot to tell you! Were basically youtubers and we're in a collab channel called o2l" I Said. "Oh my god thats so cool!!" She said. Just then Dev jumped up and ran to the top of the Beach where her friend was. He looked so familiar? I Couldn't figure out who it was? They came a bit Closer and then i Knew who it was...

A/N; Ohhh!! Who do you think it is?! It's not anyone bad, thought i'd throw that out there! I Know this is like my 4th update today but i've got ideas coming out of my ears right now!! I Hope you enjoyed this Chapter and the next update will be tomorrow as soon as i can! Love you guys!

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