Chapter 9

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Pheobe's POV  **1 Week Later**

It's been a week since me and Izzy spoke to Devon about JC. She still hasn't done anything about it. I'm kinda worried about her. She hasn't been herself lately. She has to tell him, and it's obvious that he likes her so i don't know what she's afraid of. I Didn't really have to worry about it because he told me. I Felt it but i didn't really have much time to worry. We were Currently at the O2L house. We were getting ready to go out for the day, we're getting ready to go to the theme park.  I Grabbed Devon by the arm and dragged her into the Kitchen. "What's up Pheebz?!" She said. "You know what's up Dev. You aren't doing anything about this. You're not as happy lately. But whenever your with him, i've never seen you so happy. You flirt with him constantly Devon, and he flirts back, it's obvious he Likes you! Just tell him babe!" I Said. She just stared at me. "Pheebz, i don't know how. I'm scared of what he'll say, i've only known him a week." She said. She looked like she was about to cry. "Devon. Me and Connor knew eachother for a day. I Know it's a bit different,but it's kinda the same. You know eachother well now, and you act like you've known eachother your whole life. Tell him" She looked at me again. "When?" She asked. "Honestly. Wait. I Think you should do it at the theme park. Wait for the right time. He likes you babe. He's just afraid of your reaction as you are of his." I Said with a smile. "Okay, thanks Pheebz" She smiled. "No problem" I Said. I Hugged her tight. Then we heard Connor yell. "Pheobe! Devon! Ya' ready to go?!" He asked. "Yeah coming" We both said as we ran out of the kitchen and Jumped in Connor's Car. Me and Connor in the Front, and Devon  JC and izzy in the back, it was obvious Devon was thinking. She was trying to think of what to say. Instead of saying anything out loud and making it obvious i took my phone out my pocket and texted her.

Devon's POV

Pheobe dragged me in the Kitchen. She really helped actually. She told me i should just tell JC, Since i haven't done anything about it since our talk. She said i should wait for the right moment and tell him at the theme park. Maybe she's right, i've just got to tell him otherwise nothing's going to get better. She hugged me tight after our chat and then we heard Connor yell. "Pheobe! Devon! Ya' ready to go?!" He said. "Yeah coming!" Me and Pheobe Yelled. We jumped in Connor's car. Me, Izzy and JC were in the back and Connor and Pheobe were in the front. I Was thinking again. I Was trying to think of what i was going to say. Then my phone went off. 'Don't think about what to say. Ignore it. Just say it when we're there. Wait for the right moment and just say it.' - Pheebz. She's right. I Shouldn't think about it. I Pushed it to the back of my mind and we all just talked the whole way there. After about 30 minutes in the Car we arrived at the park.  I Was standing with JC whilst Izzy, Connor and Pheobe went to get the tickets. I Wasn't going to tell him yet. No way.

Connor's POV

We were now at the park, me, Pheobe and Izzy went to get tickets. Izzy said something. "When you were texting Devon in the Car Pheebz, was it about JC?" She said. Now i'm kinda Confused. "Yeah." She said. "Wait? What are you guys on about?" I Asked. "Oh. Devon likes JC. But she's scared to tell him because she thinks he doesn't like her." Pheobe blurted out. "What. Is she mad?! It's obvious he likes her!! Plus, he's told me he likes her. He just doesn't want to rush things incase she doesnt feel the same." I Said. She's crazy if she thinks he doesn't like her. "Really?! We have to get those two together properly today. They need to know how they feel about eachother!" Izzy said. "AGREED!" Me and Pheobe yelled. We grabbed the Tickets and Headed back to where Devon and JC were. They were just standing, talking. "Guys. Ya' coming!" I Said. "Yeah." They smiled back. They followed us as we entered the park.  

**2 hours later. Still Connor's POV**

We were Currently at the Ice-Cream shack, it was boiling today so we really needed it. We were all sat down eating our ice-cream and Devon and JC were laughing. I Saw JC Grab his hand and push Devons Ice-Cream cone into her face. If anything. This was the perfect time for him to make his move. He still looked kinda nervous though.


We were at the Ice-cream shack and me and Devon were laughing. Her laugh is so cute. I Really like her. She went for a bit of her Ice-cream and i pushed the Cone into her face, causing everyone but Devon to burst into fits of laughter. She pulled it away from her face and gave me 'the look' but behind it you could see she was trying not too laugh. That was the perfect moment for me to make my move. So with that. I Did. I Looked her straight in the eyes and she looked at me. I Quickly leant in and Kissed her. The Cherry flavour from her Ice-cream.  I Pulled away and Connor, Pheobe and Izzy were Clapping. "FINALLY!!" they all yelled.  I Smiled and Looked back at Devon. "Devon. Will you be my Girlfriend?" I Asked. She smiled and Nodded before kissing my Cheek. Causing Connor, Pheobe and Izzy to Victory dance around the Ice-Cream shack.  "YES!!" Izzy and Pheobe yelled. They ran and Hugged Devon tightly. Before hugging me. Me and Devon then realised we must have looked so stupid with Ice cream down our face so we grabbed a napkin and wiped it off. I'm so happy i told her. I'm even happier that she likes me back.

Connor's POV

It's Official. Devon and JC are finally together. Me, Pheobe and Izzy victory danced around the Ice-Cream shack. We were getting Kinda annoyed with both of them not telling eachother, but they did it. They FINALLY did it! We finished our Ice-Cream and waited 10 minutes before going on rides again, or you know what would happen! We decided to go on the bumper Cars. On the way to the bumper cars my phone rang. I Pulled it out my pocket and Checked the Caller ID. 'Joe Sugg'. I Answered the phone.
Phone Call
Joe; Con! I'm in Cali!
Con; NO WAY! Where about's are you?! 
Joe; About 20 minutes from your place, can i stay at yours for a couple of weeks whilst i'm over here?
Con; Sure! But i'm out at the moment. Come to the theme park! Meet us at the bumper Cars!
Joe; Ok! Be there in 10!

I Hung up the phone after that. "Who was that babe?" Pheobe asked. "It was my friend Joe. Joe sugg. He's staying at the O2L house for a couple of weeks whilst he's over. He's gonna meet us here." I Said. "OK! Lets wait for him. He can go on the bumper cars with us!" She smiled. "Good idea! Guys! We're gonna wait for my friend Joe. Hes over here for a couple of weeks. He's meeting us here!" I Said. "Sugg?!" JC said, He was hoping it was, i could tell. "YEAH!!" I Said. JC jumped in the Air he was so happy, we hadn't seen Joe in ages and he was so excited.

A/N; Next Chapter tomorrow!! 2 Updates in one day!! Don't know when i will update tomorrow but if i don't i will update saturday! Bye guys! 

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