Chapter 30

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Izzy's POV **1 Week later**

VidCon was so good last week. I Got recognised so much. Me and Joe spoke about the Pregnancy and decided to keep it. I Was sat on the Couch thinking about how amazing VidCon was, that was until i was snapped out of my thoughts by a vomiting sound. What time was it. 10am. Jesus. I Went to the bathroom and Found Pheobe being sick. I Went and rubbed her back. "Pheebz? This is 10am Everyday for a week now. Only 10am. What's going on?" I Asked. "I Don't know!" She said. "Pheobe... This is kinda personal. but, have you and Connor done it yet?" I Asked. She lightly nodded. "Take a test" I Said. "but we used protection. I can't be" She whispered. "Pheebz. Get some Coffee. I'll go and grab you a couple tests from the store." I said. She stood up and hugged me. "OK, Thanks" She said. I Grabbed my wallet and ran to the store. I Grabbed 3 of the best test there was. I Paid and headed back home and managed to give them to Pheobe without anyone noticing. She walked to the bathroom and came back out 10 minutes later with tears pouring down her face. I Looked at the stick. "Oh my god." I Said.

Pheobe's POV

Izzy ran to the store to grab me some tests, for the past week every morning at 10am i would vomit, then i would be fine the rest of the day. She came back with the tests and i went to the bathroom. I Came out ten minutes later tears pouring down my face. "Oh my god" Izzy said. She hugged me and i continued to cry. What would Connor say?! Then, just my luck Connor ran in. "Pheebz?! What's wrong? I Heard you crying!" He said, he sounded panicked. I Couldn't speak. Izzy handed him the test. He didn't say anything. He just hugged me. Izzy left the room and i sat on the island. Connor rested his forehead on mine. 

Connor's POV

"What happened? I Thought we used protection?" I whispered. "We did, it must have broke" She Whispered as she cried. "It's going to be OK baby, we're gonna get through this together, and raise this baby together" I Said as i hugged her. I Wasn't going to let her go through this alone. I Love her too much, and trust her and Izzy to get pregnant at the same time. I Guess it's a good thing though because they will be dealing with it together. So it's kinda good they got pregnant at the same time. Just then Pheobe's Phone rang. I Answered it for her.

E; Con? It's Evan. Is Pheobe there?
C;Yeah, I'll just get her.
P;Hey Evan
E;Hey Pheebz! I'm heading down to Cali Wednesday! Permanently!
E;Yeah! I'm coming to see you as soon as i arrive!! I Gotta start packing, i only have 2 days!
End of call

"Evan's Moving to Cali!" She yelled. "Really?! That's so cool! When?" I Smiled. "Wednesday. Hes got his own apartment!" She smiled big. "Awh that's nice pheebz! But you do realise you're gonna have to tell him about this little Fella." I Said pressing my hand on her Currently flat stomach. Her smiled dropped. "Yeah, i'm kinda worried about that." She said. "Don't worry, I'll be with you" I said and kissed her. I Love her so much.

Pheobe's POV **2 Days later**

Evan texted me, he's on his way over!! I Get to see him again! but that also means i have to tell him about me being pregnant. I Don't wanna do it straight away, but i might aswell get it over with. "Connor! Evans on his way over!! How am i gonna tell him?!" I Said in a panic. Connor grabbed my hands. "Babe! Babe! Calm down. I Will be there with you, i will help you tell him." He said calmly. I Took a couple of deep breaths and calmed down. I Fell into his arms and Hugged him tight. Then the doorbell went. I Was excited but nervous. I Opened the door and jumped into Evans arms. "EVAN!! I Missed you so much!" I Yelled. "I Missed you too little sister!" He smiled as he hugged me. We all sat in the living room for about 2 hours laughing and talking together. Everyone else was out. Connor squeezed my hand. I Took a deep breath. "Evan..." I Whispered. "Yeah" He smiled. I Tried to say something but the words wouldn't come out. I Dropped my head into Connor's chest and started Crying again. Evan came and set next to us. "Pheobe. What' going on?" He asked. "I Can't. Ask Connor." I Said. Connor stood up and Evan followed him into the hall.

Evan's POV

I Got up and walked into the hall and Evan followed me. "Evan, Pheobe's Pregnant" Connor said. My jaw dropped. "What." I Said. He rubbed the back of his Neck. "Yeah. That's what i said when i found out." He said. "Didn't you use protection?" I Asked. He nodded. "Yeah, but it broke." He said. I Ran into the living room and Hugged Pheobe. "You'll be fine Pheebz. Me and Connor will be here for you every step of the way." I Said. She smiled slightly. "Thankyou Evan." She smiled. We all got into a group hug. After that we watched TV for a few more hours. Then i left. I Had to start unpacking all my stuff from the removal van. I Hugged them both goodbye and got Connor's number incase i needed to talk to him.

Connor's POV

We told Evan, he was so understanding. Which i appreciate. He's left now, it was about 4pm and me and Pheobe decided to go Boarding to take our mind of things. We grabbed our matching boards and boarded to the beach. We arrived at the beach and we sat on the Rocks staring at the sea. It was so peaceful to be there with her, it took our mind off everything...


**7 Months later**
Me and Pheobe were at the scan. We were having a baby boy. So were Izzy and Joe. The fans knew about the baby now obviously and they were so excited and supportive. Izzy and Joe were waiting outside with Natalie, Dan, Devon and JC. We'd met up with them Earlier. We got the scans printed and left the room smiling. We decided to go and get some food since we were so hungry. We stopped at mcdonalds. The funny thing is Pheobe's been Craving Pickles and she can't stand them! "UPTOWN FUNK YOU UP. UPTOWN FUNK YOU UP!" I Sang in a really high voice. We all burst out laughing. I Was enhaling the helium from the balloons. We were having a really good time laughing together until things took a turn for the worse. "Connor. It hurts!" Pheobe said. "Oh my god! Are you OK?" I Asked rubbing her back. "Yeah, i think it's just Contractions. It wont be this early!" She said. That was until there was a puddle on the floor. "SHIT!" I Yelled. I Helped Pheobe out of her seat and made our way to the Car. We drove as quick as we could to the Hosiptal and were there in 5 minutes!! "DOCTOR!! HELP!" I Yelled. Instantly a doctor came over with a wheel chair. "She's in Labour, are you the babies father?" The doctor said. "Yes!" I Said. "Come with me." He said. I Followed him and Pheobe to a room. "Doctor. Are her and the baby going to be OK? This is 2 months early!" I Said. "They should be fine. The baby will just be smaller than it should be." He said. Phew.

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