Chapter 21

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A/N; I'm bringing another new character into this called Noelle!! Just so you guys don't get Confused :)

Connor's POV 

Pheobe slept the whole way home. We were greeted by Devon, Izzy, Joe and the O2L boys and we jumped in the car and headed straight home, we decided we were all gonna go swimming in the pool outside so once we were back me and Pheobe just dumped our bags in my room and Grabbed our swimming Gear and Changed. We'd invited our Friends Nash and Cameron over aswell so they were here. Me and Pheobe ran downstairs and i cannonballed in the pool. Pheobe was just about to climb in slowly when Joe grabbed her and spun her around on his shoulder getting ready to throw her in. She started screaming. "JOE!! PUT HER THE FUCK DOWN! NOW!!" I Screamed as i swam to the edge of the pool to climb out. Joe put her down and Pheobe ran inside. Everyone looked at him. Izzy and Devon looked completely shocked and the O2L Guys looked confused. The only people that knew about her water issue were me, Devon, Izzy and JC. I Jumped out the pool. "JOE!! You shouldn't do that to her!!" I Screamed as i ran inside after her. She was sat on the stairs Crying. I Ran over to her and hugged her. "It's OK. I'm here. He didn't know." I Whispered as i hugged her. "I--I Know. It just scared me." She said. "I Know. It's OK. Do you wanna go back?" I Said. She just nodded and i helped her up and we walked back to the pool. The girls must have Explained everything because Joe came and apoligized. I Climbed in and Pheobe followed me slowly. She was a good swimmer she was just scared of Open water and being thrown into any kind of water. She seemed fine once she was in the Pool though. So that was good. We were all in the water right now playing Truth or Dare. Oh God...

Pheobe's POV

Joe tried to throw me in the water. Nice. It wasn't his fault though. He didn't know. We were all Currently in the water playing Truth or dare. "PHEOBE!" Trevor yelled. "YAZ!" I Yelled back. "Truth.... Or dare?" He smirked. "Uh...... TRUTH!" I Said.  "Hmmmmm... How many guys have you dated?" He asked. I Answered truthfully. "1" I Smiled. Connor looked at me Completely shocked."There is NO way you have only ever dated one guy Pheobe!" Kian laughed. "No, i'm serious. Connor is the First guy i've ever dated. And hopefully the last" I Smiled. Connor Smiled. "Well Connor, how many girls have you been with in your life?!" Trevor yelled. "2. But Pheobe is the First serious one." He smiled. I smiled back at him. "I'M ASKING NEXT" Joe Yelled. "Nash.... Truth or Dare" He asked. All serious face. "Dare" He said with a smirk.  "I Dare you..... To..... Kiss Devon" He said with a smirk. I Tried not to laugh. JC just stared at Joe but then Laughed. "Go Ahead. It's only a dare!" He laughed.  Nash swam over to the other side of the Pool and Slowly kissed Devon. Neither of them Seemed to want to stop before we knew it Devon had her arms around his neck. That's when JC had that look in his eyes. He was hurt. We were about to pull them apart when a girl walked through the door. She looked at Devon and Nash and her Jaw dropped. Her phone fell out her hand and tears started to fall. Devon and Nash still hadn't realised what was going on. They seemed way to busy. I Jumped out the Pool to speak to this girl and Connor followed me. That's when Devon and Nash pulled away and realised what happened. Nash's Eyes grew wide as he looked at the Girl. "Noelle.... It's not what it looks like!!!" He yelled. JC Just stared at Devon. "Fuck." She said. "Yeah. Fuck..." He whispered as a tear slipped down his cheek. He climed out of the pool and Devon and Nash did too. JC ran inside with the other the other Girl. i'm guessing her names noelle. I Chased after 'Noelle' and Connor went after JC and so did Devon. "Excuse me... Sorry, but, Who are you?" I Asked. She was still sobbing. "Noelle. Nash's 'Girlfriend'" She said inbetween sobs. "Oh my god..." I Said. I Sat next to her on the Couch and Nash walked in. "Noelle... It didn't mean anything." He whispered. "Sure it didn't... You were eating Eachother!! I'm guessing by the way the other guy reacted that was the girls boyfriend." She yelled. He nodded. "I'm so sorry Noelle." He said. "Whatever. I'm leaving."

Noelle's POV

I Wasn't staying here any longer. Not after what i just saw. I Ran out the door and the girl followed me. "Sorry. My names Pheobe. Take my number. Call me if you ever need anything. Nash is an Ass. Don't worry about him" She said. I Smiled slightly and took her number. She was nice. She ran back inside and i left. I Needed to clear my mind.

Devon's POV

I Ran down the stairs and sat on the Couch. I Buried my head in my hands and Sobbed. What had i done?! Why did i act like i meant something when it really didn't?! Just then Pheobe came and sat next to me. "What the Hell happened?! It wasn't supposed to be like that?!" She yelled. "I Dont know?! It didn't mean anything but i tried to pull away but he wouldn't let me! It was like he'd hypnotized me into thinking he was JC! I Don't know what happened?!" I Yelled back sobbing. Connor came down the stairs and Pheobe explained everything to him. "Dev. Go talk to him. You've hurt him, but you've also hurt yourself. Go upstairs and talk to him now." He said. I Looked up with tears in my eyes. "OK." I Said. I Got up and started to walk up the stairs. Convincing him wasn't going to be easy. But i Love him. I Can't lose him...

A/N; Hey Guys!! There will probably be an update tomorrow!! I will try to make it earlier in the day and not 11:08pm!! Bye! Love you guys <3

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