Chapter 5

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Connor's POV

I Rang Pheobe. The guys are out and i'm so bored at the house by myself. Is it weird that i miss pheobe already? She's only been gone an hour and i only met her today but i already feel like i've known her my whole life? I Guess that's kinda cool really. To meet someone like that and instantly feel that Connection with them. *Knock Knock*.  I Got up and answered the door and Pheobe was standing there. "Hey!" She said smiling. "Hey!" I Said back moving out the way so she could come in. She came and sat next to me on the Couch and we were watching a Movie. We laughed and talked so much we forgot we were watching a movie, and we lost track of time! Just then the guys walked in. "Guys? I Thought you wern't supposed to be back until 9?" I Said. They Laughed. "Con?  It's 10.30!" They said. I Looked at the Clock and they were right. Jesus! "Con? Do you have a spare room? I Don't like going out in the dark, i was wondering if i could stay the night?" Pheobe barely whispered. She's so shy around others. It's cute. "Sure. I'll show you in a minute. Don't you wanna text devon and let her know where you are?" I Said smiling. "Oh yeah, i'll call her now" She said. 

Pheobe's POV

"Yeah. I'm with Connor. I'm gonna stay the Night because i don't like it out there in the dark." I Said over the Phone. "Oh Ok, are you OK?" She asked. "Yeah. I'm fine. How was the date?!" I Said excited at the end. "Horrible. He was gross. He tried to kiss me and when he did it was like a washing machine!" She said. "EW! GROSS!! Well at least you don't have to see him again though" I Said laughing. "Yeah! See ya' tomorrow Pheebzzzz" She yelled. "SEE YA'!! " I Yelled back and Hung up.   Connor came in and Showed me too the spare room. He gave me an old shirt to sleep in and said goodnight. "Pheebz, do you wanna hang out again tomorrow?" He said. "Sure! I'd Love too" I Said smiling.  He smiled "Ok! Goodnight Pheebz." He whispered as he kissed my head. "Goodnight Connor" I Said smiling as he left. Did he just kiss my forehead? Why do i already feel like i've known him forever?! I've never had this Connection with anyone before!! I Just brushed it off and went to bed.

Connor's POV

Pheobe went to bed and i went to my room, i tried to sleep but i just couldn't. I Kept thinking about Pheobe. I've known her for a day and it doesn't feel like i've known her a day. It feels like a lot longer. After about an hour of chasing my thoughts in my head i managed to fall asleep.I'm Excited that i get to spend the day with Pheobe again.

Pheobe's POV

I Woke up to the smell of bacon downstairs. I Dragged myself out the bed and changed back into my clothes and brushed my hair out and did my make up. I hopped down the stairs and into the Kitchen to see Connor cooking bacon. He looked at me and Smiled. "Morning Pheebz! Hope your hungry!" He said. "Boy am i!" I Said back laughing. He put the bacon on a plate and we sat and ate. We decided to go for a walk and leave our pennyboards at his. We truly couldn't be bothered with our boards today, but i didn't forget my camera!. We walked for a bit and reached the park, we played on the swings and went on the slide and it really made me feel like a kid again. It was amazing. I Jumped up and slapped Connor on the back. "YOU'RE IT!" I Yelled laughing. I Don't care what we looked like or how old we were acting we were having fun and thats all we cared about. "Oh no you didn't"! He yelled as he chased me around the park and across the Grass! Luckily for him, i lost my balance and fell over!

Connor's POV

Me and Pheobe were running around the park playing tag. Acting like 4 years olds. But i dont care. We were having fun so it doesn't matter. I Was running after her and she tripped and fell over. I landed right on top of her and we just layed there and Laughed. Once we'd stopped Laughing i just looked at her. I wasn't focusing on anything else. I leaned down and Softly kissed her lips.She Kissed back. It was like neither of us wanted to pull away. The kiss must have lasted a good 20 seconds until i pulled back and rested my forehead on hers. I Smiled and so did she.  I stood up and held my hand out. "Come with me" I smiled. She took my hand and i lead her to a huge field. No one ever came round here.  We went a little way through the woods and we stumbled upon a tree with a massive treehouse. "Wow. How did you find this?!" She Asked. "Me and my dad built it when i was a kid. No one comes around this part of town so no one has ever found it." I Said smiling. We went inside, The expression on her face was amazing. She looked so excited.

Pheobe's POV

Connor lead me a little way through the woods and we stumbled across a tree with a massive tree house. He took me inside and the walls were covered with posters, movie tickets, pictures everything you could think of. I Sat down on the little couch in the corner and looked around. i picked up my camera and took a picture of the wall. Connor came over and sat next to me.  What he said next was going to change my life forever. "Pheobe?" He whispered. "Yeah Connor?" I Smiled at him. "I Know that we've only known eachother for 2 days. But. what i'm about to ask you feels so right." He looked worried. "What?" I Asked. He turned to me and took my hands. "W-Would you like to be my Girlfriend?" He asked. I Was speechless. I've known him for 2 days and we already both feel the same way. I Smiled at him and nodded. "Yes." I Said. My smile reaching my Ears. I May have only known him for two days but i really do like him. He smiled and i buried my head in his chest and he put his arm around me.  I'm so happy he asked me.

A/N; LONGER CHAPTER!! FINALLY GUYS!! I'd love you guys' feedback! As i said before i will probably update daily, if i have enough Ideas! I Love you guys <3 BYE!

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