Chapter 29 ~ DNA

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Steam fills the small shower space as I press my hands against the cool tiles, little droplets of water run down the white ceramic pattern, stained over the years from ridding football induced sweat

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Steam fills the small shower space as I press my hands against the cool tiles, little droplets of water run down the white ceramic pattern, stained over the years from ridding football induced sweat. You'd think having built a new field and athletics block they could at least thrown some dough at the showers. Brady's tuneless rendition of ABBA classics rings around the shower block,  the wrangled notes adding to my irritation at Ethan's persistent whining about Carrie. Lord only knows why they haven't fucked yet, the sexual tension is unbearable and I'm getting pissed off hearing him pine over the situation.

Drops of hot water run down my aching muscles as I wash the sweat from practice off my face, coming up to Christmas break we've got a few games before and during the holidays so we're working our fucking asses off to get to state championships and then nationals. Call me egotistical but I'm forward-thinking... we've not lost a game yet and I'm making sure we don't plan to. We need to win nationals, I need to win as the captain at nationals.

"We just hung out at Ruby's but-" I groan running my hand down my tired face, Ethan peers around his shower cubical stopping his loved up speech to look at me with a confused expression.

"Seriously bro why don't you two just fuck already. Seriously." I moan Brady stops singing and nods along with me before he starts up another rendition of 'Lay All Your Love On Me' whipping Ethan's bare ass with his towel. He jumps at the lashes from the material making most of the guys heckle Brady on.

"It's not just that I want to 'fuck' her... I really like her... like really really like her. Maybe I love her..."  he looks at the ceiling longingly reducing Brady and me into a fit of laughter that echos through the shower block. Soppy fucker. Love- what a joke. 

"Don't listen to those dickheads. I get it, when I first started dating Emily it was just instant, you know?" Rutheford says from the cubicle beside mine, I can't help but that cackle at that too, when did this group turn into a bunch of pussys? Rutherford and Emily have been dating since we started at East Meddow and he's definitely the most equipped to give 'advice' on relationships since mine and Bradys 'relationships' revolve around a fuck and chuck basis.

"Yeah but the difference between you and Em and he and Carrie is you actually had the balls to ask her out and make her your girlfriend, You didn't cower like a pussy for years," I say Brady nodding in agreement with me as he starts to shimmy the towel around himself.

"Oh shut up!" Ethan shakes his head, his cheeks reddening slightly, "I do want to ask her out but... she's she... she's Carrie."

We all stare at him as if he's gone mad, "Uh yeah E, She's Carrie? Who else would she be...?"

"No I mean like... she's head cheerleader, top in most of her classes, on the student council, she's a Richmond!" He exclaims. God, I hate it when people compare themselves and spew out shit about being an 'underdog'. Grow up, names don't mean anything, at least they shouldn't. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ... or some shit.

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