Chapter 65 ~ Kinky

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"Ughhhhh" The ruffling of papers fills the room

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"Ughhhhh" The ruffling of papers fills the room. "Hmph," The sound of limbs hitting the carpeted floor. "Ughhhh" An increasingly loud groan rumbles across, "Uhhhh-"

"For fucks sake Vixxie, what!" Carrie snaps her chemistry book shut, glaring at Vixxie who's sprawled out on the cream carpet, legs up on Carries fluffy bean bag, English papers littered on her body. I stifle a chuckle looking up from my own textbook meeting Emily's eyes across the room.

"I'm bored and Gatsby is shit, like literal shit, the female oppression in this book makes me want to genuinely crawl into a hole a die. Why do they still teach us this crap in high school? Get more female authors on the syllabus who write about things other than horny men and money. I don't give a shit if Shakespeare is a legend because I can't understand a single fucking sentence." VJ talks animatedly throwing her arms in the air, a moment of silence passes and then we all burst out laughing, our revision on the track of being forgotten for the day.

"As correct and right as that entire statement is I don't think writing 'Shakespeare is shit and Gatsby makes me want to die' will work well for the marking aspect of your finals." Emily giggles. Vixxie groans again throwing paper in the air, I crawl over to her and perch next to her English books, she rearranges herself until her head is in my lap staring up at me as I look over the mock papers she's acquired.

"Depending on the question however you can talk about the female oppression in the book and contextually link it to others you've read this semester. Talk about the time periods and how it relates to the treatment of women. Your ideas are on target but maybe just...limit the inappropriate language?" Vixxies black nailed fingers cup my cheek, winged eyes narrowed in faux exasperation.

"Oh, you wise one. You grace me with your words, words I shall use because they are smart." I swat her on the head with the book and grin. "You and Blaze are too good at English, it actually sickens me." She huffs rolling off my lap and leaning her chin on her fist peering at me through her eyelashes. "Do you guys recite Shakespeare quotes and talk about all the hyperboles Fitzgerald puts in his work for some wicked foreplay. He recites the opening lines of Romeo and Juliet whilst his mouth is down-"

"Ohmygod stop." My cheeks flame so red you could cook a steak on them, Carrie and Emily are in fits of laughter rolling around on the floor, Vix Is still grinning at me innocently, "Of course not." I mumble, shoving her shoulder lightly.

"No? Do you just talk about the feminine injustice in the Great Gatsby whilst he plunges-"

"Vixxie!" I shriek slapping her shoulder, the girls howl in laughter whilst I did my palms into my eyes.

"Come on now Vix, stop teasing the poor girl," Emily says between spurts of laughter.

"In all seriousness though," Carrie crawls closer to us with hooded eyes, "put us out of our misery, tell us what we all want to know." She bites her lip settling next to VJ, Emily joins them and they all peer up at me with bright eyes and big grins.

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