Chapter 79 ~ Hello Atlas

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I blink rapidly, yep not a dream

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I blink rapidly, yep not a dream. Everyone is standing inside, behind the barn doors, streamers and hats on arms stretched out. My friends, Carrie's mom, my teammates, some of the guys from the football team, Brady's Mom, Mrs Stenthan, Shirley, Bennett Helen, Gemma... Blaze.

He looks sheepishly at me, his eyes cutting through the ice, frosted in my veins for the past weeks. He looks tired, anxious. Dark circles swallow the normal sharpness of his gaze.

"What...what is this?"

"A party duh." VJ steps forward and throws her arms around me.

"For me?"

"Well yeah of course." Emily and Carrie push forward.

"You didn't think we'd actually leave you to do nothing on your own on your birthday did you?" Carrie hits my shoulder.

"And you, you kept this a secret all day?" I look up at Brady. He nods with glee, the labrador soft smile curving across his prideful face. I can't hide my surprise.

"Blaze had my balls in his hands today... ooo chips." And he's off, the music starts up and people disperse to the dance floor at the far end of the barn. Hay bales are decorated with little butterflies and tables of food are set out. A Photo Booth is by the dance floor and fairy lights drape down from the ceiling. It's incredible, breathtaking.

"You guys did all of this... for me?"

"Well, it was Helen and Blaze's idea mostly," VJ says. My heart damn near breaks all over again.

"Right drinks! It's your night Atlas. Enjoy it." Emily says pulling VJ towards the drinks at the side reading the room already thick with tension.

I wrap my arms around Carrie, her chequer maxi dress and blue heels make her look like a model and I feel even shorter. "Thank you for the dress, it's beautiful."

"Atlas honey, no one could have pulled that off better than you. I don't even mind the converse." Her brows knit together as she slides a side eye to my feet, I bite my laugh back as she purses her lips.

"Atty!" A small figure crashes into my legs nearly knocking me down.

"Gem! Careful," Helen shouts after the tornado at my feet. Her raven black hair is pulled back into plaits weaved with red ribbons. I pick her up and squeeze her tight, the smell of strawberries and peaches tantalising my nose.

"Happy birthday!" Her sweet-smelling breath snakes across my face like she's already had ten handfuls of candy.

"Thank you, Sweetheart! How are you doing?" I squeeze her sides eliciting a Shreek.

"Good, I've moved up a ballet class and I'm focusing on everything you taught me." Her smile falls quickly, "I miss you though. When are you coming back." Helen coughs behind and gives her daughter a pointed look, I'd laugh if it didn't hurt so much.

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