Our Little Secret

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~To The Story~

Finals were tomorrow.

"Man, I'm not looking forward to tomorrow." Said Sugino, not looking forward to facing the nightmare that every student calls final exams.

You Nagisa and Sugino were walking home together after school hours. The three of you in a local area, cars driving past you. Walking past other students from other schools.

"Aw don't be like that, I've seen you study hard, I'm sure you'll be fine." You try to reassure your friend.

"I hope you're right." Said Sugino.

"Are you most worried about what the A-Class will do to us if we lose?" Nagisa asked the baseball lover.

"It's been on the back of my mind, yeah," Sugino admits scratching the back of his head. "Do you know what they have planned, (y/n)?"

"Nah, I didn't bother asking Asano." You replied. "And I doubt he'll tell me anything if I do." 'Knowing Asano I know he has something prepared, and it's not good.' You thought grimly

"I think it's best if we don't know," said Nagisa with a sheepish smile.

"And we won't ever have to know, cause we're gonna win!" You said with confidence. For the past week, you've been mostly working on your studying and keep your mind off of Karma and Asano.

For the entire week, you rarely spoke to Karma cause he was too much of a distraction. But of course, that didn't stop Karma from trying to get your attention annoyingly. Like purposely throwing his pencil near your desk so you can pick it for him. Or when he steals your notebook just so you have no choice but to talk to him so he can give it back to you. And whenever the two of you make eye contact you will immediately look somewhere else.

"Glad one of us is confident."

"Confidence is key." You said. Nagisa smiled at you, liking your confidence.

"Can't wait till after the exam, I'm dying for summer vacation." Sugino smiled, putting both hands behind his back.

"Yeah, same." Nagisa agreed. "It would be awesome not to worry about school for a little while."

"Yep! But first, we gotta kill our exams!" You exclaim happily.

You walked into an empty house, took your shoes off and went into the kitchen to grab a quick snack. When walking to the fridge, you saw a note.

Curiously you took the note and read it.

(Y/n), I'll be with some friends after work, so I won't return until later tonight, so don't make extra food. And as a reminder of the rules. Study, no scary movies, no junk food, and no having friends over.


You sighed and crumble up the paper before tossing it near a trash can.

You were studying in the living room with the T.V on just to have background noises for the last couple of hours. You listen to your mom and didn't break any of the rules she set for you.

The sound of your phone ringing broke you out of your thoughts while reading your notes. You put your notebook to the side and checked to see who it was, the name that was displayed on your phone said Asano.

You answered. "Hi, Asano."

"No snarky comments I see." You hear Asano on the other line.

"Don't push my buttons." You muttered. You hated that you weren't mad at him. You're supposed to be mad at him!! But you don't like staying mad at someone for so long. "Do you need anything?"

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