The God Of Death

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~To The Story~

You felt emotionally drained.

Underneath a layer of blankets, you lay down on your side, processing everything you remembered. It happens so fast when your memories came back.

The time you had a happy family, remembering your parents loving warmth... the night where they were murdered.

When your mother heard you screaming from your mental break down, she immediately called your dad. You wondered if they were expecting this in some way? During your breakdown, you kept sprouting out about things from your past. You don't really remember exactly what, however. Your dad was the one who calmed you down... after about twenty minutes. After that they let you rest in your room. You didn't even know if they were home or not. You knew you were going to have to talk to them, even though you don't want to.

These past images won't escape your mind. Your parent's lifeless body, the reaper. You had a feeling something tragic happened in your forgotten past, but you never figured it will involve someone like the reaper. Why did your father hire an assassin?! What was going on behind the scenes?!

You sighed. This really was mentally exhausting. You wanted to think of something else, but your brain just wouldn't let you. You couldn't stop thinking about your old life, your parents, Lu...

"Lulu...?" You whispered out her name.

What happened to her? You felt awful for forgetting about her. Why didn't she ever bother to see you? Could she? You weren't sure, but you wanted to see her again Did she forget about you after 8 years? You felt a tear in your heart just by thinking that.

Wait a second.... those letters you found in your mother's sewing kit. They had her name on it. Maybe you should have read those letters. You can try reading them when you get the chance.

You bury your face further into your pillow. You hated this. You don't want to have your memories back. You were better off not remembering anything.

You suddenly remember the happy child you use to be. You use to be so happy, but that was all taken away from you. You wished you were back there. You miss your biological mother and father. You never even got to say goodbye to them.

You want to go back to those happier times instead of being he...

"(Y/n)-san....? (Y/n)-san?" A familiar bubbly voice spoke out interrupting your thoughts.

"Ritsu?" You muttered groggily. You heard the A.I's voice again. Getting out from under your bedsheets, you saw your phone lit up to form your bedside table. You reached out to get your phone, sitting on the edge of your bed. Looking at your phone, there, you saw Ritsu, giving a cheerful smile from behind the small screen.

"Hello." She greeted, she smiled seem to have eased you a bit. "Are you alright? You seem pale, and I'm picking up some negative vibes from you."

"Uh... I'm fine, I just...." You said cautiously, your eyes going somewhere else. "I just woke up from a horrible nightmare." You answered

More like a horrible reality.

"Mh, you must be worried about Bitchy-sensei." Ritsu stated.

"Huh?" The light in your eyes was returning.

Oh.... you suddenly remembered Irina still needs saving. She was kidnapped and trapped. She was in the hands.... of.... him.

"Yeah... I am worried about her." You admit.

"Don't worry." The A.I smiled. "We're all going to save her. That's why I'm calling to remind everyone of tonight's mission."

You nod once. "Right." Your voice sounded stronger. "Thank you, Ritsu."

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