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Keeleigh's POV ~

{5 Years into the future}

I'd like to tell you that I married Nath, everything was perfect and we lived happily ever after, but that's not the case because life is no fairytale!

Yes I did marry Nath, the ceremony was perfect. The boys and both our families and all our friends were there. The reception was gorgeous. It was just the best day ever and always will be.

I ended up having 2 kids with Nath, a boy and a girl. We named them Jasper and Blue. The kids are our world, nothing could come between that bond. Nath is the perfect Dad when he's not away with the band.

I bet you're wondering what isn't perfect about my life? Mine and Nath's daughter Blue, she was born with autism. These past 4 years haven't been easy, in fact that's an understatement! Try looking after 2 kids, 1 which is disabled when their Dad is away touring or gigging for months on end.

2 years ago it got too much! I looked to Jay for help and things started to develop again... Old feelings returned. I cheated on Nath and not just once. He found out 3 months later. He got violent like he used to, he hit me in front of our own son. Luckily Jay was there at the time and stepped in before anything could escalate further.

I moved out for what must've been 6 months and took the kids with me. Nath had to go through some anger training because he couldn't go around just hitting me every time I did something wrong. I'm not saying I didn't deserve it, I know I did. It's just I worry that one day he might hit one of the kids instead.

For a while I thought I might lose Nath. Divorce was never mentioned but I'm sure he thought about it.

Toward the end of that 3rd year of our marriage we went to couples counselling. I moved back in with Nath, with the kids too. It took a while for us to trust each other again, things still aren't right.

But I think the kids are the main thing keeping us together! Like I said they're our world. Nath is my rock and I'm his! You can't destroy that easily, I won't let myself lose him! He's my Nath...


Nath's POV ~

I don't trust her fully, not after cheating on me again. I'll always have that emotional wound from the pain she caused me. All the same, I love her so much! I can't change that and don't ever want to, because she's mine and I'm hers.

She's my Kee and I'm never letting her go...


{A/N - Wow powerful stuff!!! Got feels just writing this! So we've come to the end of Jaythan :(

You guys have been great! Tysm for reading and commenting and voting, everyone of you means so much to me :D Thank you!!

Please check out my new Nathan book 'Addicted To Him'. Have already posted a few chapters, so check it out :)

See you guys soon, bye!

- Bronnie xx

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