Chapter 19 ~ Disappeared

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Keeleigh's POV ~

The boys did their London show without Nathan tonight, after he stormed out of the arena.

At the end of the show we all went back to the tour bus and I expected to find Nath sitting on his bed sulking. He wasn't there. "Nath?" I call as I begin to walk the tour bus. He's nowhere to be seen. "Guys, Nath's not here!" I say worriedly.

Max furrows his brows with concern "uh, guys Nath has gone off somewhere. We need to find him". The boys pair up. Kev goes with Max and Tom. Jay and Siva come with me. We leave Nano on the bus in case Nath comes back there.

We start walking into London. I make sure to put Siva between me and Jay as we walk because none of this would've happened if he didn't kiss me in truth or dare. It's his fault Nath ran off and I'm mad at him.

My phone starts to ring, the caller ID shows its Max. My heart starts to beat hard at the thought of him maybe finding Nathan.

"Hello?" I say nervously.
"Found him yet?"
"No, I was hoping you had since you called me"
"Aw no, sorry Keeleigh"
"Okay, well I'll keep looking. Has Nano been in touch?"
"No sorry"
"Think of a place that he'd be likely to go to"

With that I hung up because I knew exactly where he might be. I jumped in the nearest Taxi and headed for the pub near our house on the other side of London. He goes there all the time.

The Taxi reaches the street and I pay the driver before getting out and running for the pub. I burst in and scan the room for him.

He's sitting at the bar, leaning on it, looking very drunk and sulking. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist from behind "don't ever run off again" I whisper into his ear. He turns around and stands up pulling me into his arms, he buries his face in the crook of my neck "I'm sorry" he sighs. I hold his face in my hands and kiss him "I was worried. All the guys have been out looking for you. You could've been in a fucking ditch. It's 3 in the morning for fuck sake Nathan! I love you"

He pulled away and raised an eyebrow at me before laughing "babe, can we go back now?" he smiles. I nod and quickly text Max and Siva to let them know I've found Nath. We jump in a taxi back to the arena where the tour bus is waiting. All the guys are there when we get there.

We go into the tour bus and Jay eyes Nath warily but Nath just shrugs and gives him a smirk. I guess Jaythan is back on.

{A/N - Thank you for reading this! I enjoy writing it!!

- Bronnie xx

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