Chapter 8 ~ Commitments

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Keeleigh's POV ~

"I want to be with you Kee"

I look at him unsure of how to react, I mean it's not every day when the guy you've looked up to and idolised for years basically declares his love for you and asks you to abandon your whole life. I swallow nervously and step away from him "Nath, I don't know...", he takes my hands in his and smiles softly "Kee please, think about it".

I sigh and fiddle with his fingers "I want to, believe me I do but what about my Uni? I've still got another year of the course left, I can't just abandon it!" I look at him seriously. Nath frowns "I'll wait for you, if that's what it takes for me to have you. I can wait forever if I have to" I turned a deep shade of red, I'm not used to this. I go to say something but Nath's lips smack into mine stopping me.

I kiss him back and let him push me against the wall of the bus. He leans me up against it and kisses me roughly. My breathing becomes fast and uneven and I can hear my heart racing in my chest. Fuck Nathan, remember I'm a fangirl, you might kill me! I push him off, placing my hands on his chest. I give him a sassy smile as I get my breath back "you'll really wait?" I ask. "As long as it takes" he replied returning my smile. I kissed him on the lips shortly and pulled away "thank you Nath". He smiled "what for?" he asks.

"Understanding..." I simply answer as I wink at him.


{A/N - Just a short one this time ;) OMG Keethan is SO cute, btw that's the ship I've given them xD

- Bronnie xx

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