Chapter 20 ~ On the road

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Nathan's POV ~

We travelled for most of the day because we were on our way right across the country up to Manchester. That's where tonight's show is and I've promised Kee I'll be on my best behaviour.

I lay on my bed with her wrapped in my arms. Max and Tom are playing FIFA at the end of the bus and its noisy as hell, especially with my hangover from last night.

Jay and Siva are also nursing hangovers after going out to a night club last night.

Max calls something from down the bus and I don't quite hear him. "What mate?" I ask. He turns the tv down "I said drinking game guys?" he smirks looking at the look on my face. "I'm not drinking again for a long time" I laugh.

When we got to Manchester we had an hour till soundcheck. Just enough time to greet some fans by the barriers and get ready for the show.

I laughed at Max as he stepped out the tour bus, he looked so proud to be back in Manchester. Where he's from.

Keeleigh's POV ~

I watched from the side of the stage as the boys did soundcheck and met the fans that had VIP. The show later was amazing and Nath looked like he loved it as usual. It makes me happy when I see him perform.

He came off stage all sweaty, I smirked and kissed him "looks like I'll be shoving you in a shower at the hotel tonight then" I wink. He smirks "only if you'll shower with me" he begs. I roll my eyes "you'll fall over if you try that in the shower" I laugh.

{A/N - Just a short update! I'm going to try and make it more interesting soon :)

- Bronnie xx

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