Chapter 7 ~ Runaway

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Nath's POV ~

The rest of the concert couldn't go by fast enough. I needed to feel her between my hands, hold her close to me. I wanted to breath in the sweet smell of her, mint and lime, I could never forget it! I craved the touch of her lips on mine, like they're my own personal type of drug. She is my drug.

I looked into the crowd and spotted her with a blonde girl. I looked straight past the unknown girl and straight at Keeleigh.

What I feel for her is like nothing I've ever felt before and I don't know how to control myself...

Keeleigh's POV ~

The rest of the concert was amazing as expected, obviously! Once the boys finished and went backstage I followed Lilah out the arena then said bye to her. I'd meet her back at the Uni accommodation later.

I secretly made my way around the back of the arena and Big Kev, sort of the boys 'minder' so to speak was at the gate waiting for me. He recognised me and let me in the gate "Nath hasn't shut up about you since he came off stage" he chuckles. I smile at him "where is he?" I ask. Kev points to the tour bus parked not far from the gates I had just walked through. I walk over to the tour bus and knock on the door. It opens and I'm greeted by a sweaty Max "hi Keeleigh, I'm guessing you're looking for Nath. He hasn't stopped talking about you" he steps aside to let me in.

I walk inside the bus and smile at the boys as one by one they come into view. Jay's on his bed playing with his phone, wait, he has a phone and hasn't lost it yet? Miracle! Tom is looking in the fridge for food or maybe beer, you can never tell with these boys. They're always hungry and always looking for booze. Siva is, actually where is he? In the loo maybe, no I shouldn't be visualising that. Max is still next to me and then there's Nath leaning against a wall, smirking at me "so you came! Didn't think you'd turn up" he smiles.

I shrug "I'm here" I smile. Nath gives Max and Jay a look asking for privacy. Max shrugs and walks off pulling Jay up with him and they walk right to the back section of the bus out of sight. Tom's back there too and Siva now. I look at Nath and give him a smirk.

Nath's POV ~

The moment she walked in that bus I needed to hold her. To be honest I didn't expect her to come but she did and I'm so happy that she's here. I have the lads a look telling them to get lost and then it was just Kee and me. The best way it could be. I wanted to grab her there and then, I managed to hold back though... just!

When she smirked at me that was it, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close to me. I held her against my chest and rested my face in her hair, I inhaled her sweet mint and lime scent. She smells so good. I pulled out a little and began to kiss at her neck softly...

Keeleigh's POV ~

I moan quietly as he kisses along my jawline, dam it Nathan! Why do you have this effect on me? His lips trace down my neck and along my collar bone, each kiss tender and seductive. I feel like I may pass out any minute. Jesus Christ what is he doing to me? Why do I feel like this?

Finally Nath moves to my lips, I kiss him back and wrap my hands around the bottom of his hair. He bites at my lip asking for entry and I let him. He slides his tongue in and begins moving it around my mouth. Feels quite pleasant actually. After a while I pull away and rest my hands on his chest, he still has he hands on my waist.

I look at him seriously then "what are we Nath? This is messed up" I ask as I look at the floor. Nath frowns "I want you", I nod "I know, you've said that before". Nathan sighs "Kee...", I glance at him and meet his gaze "yeah?", he swallows nervously "run away with me, I mean abandon everything. Join us on tour and then after tour finishes we can make a new life together"

He kisses my forehead and looks at me softly "I want to be with you Kee!"


{A/N ~ That was a long one and my Nath feels are through the roof!!! OMG IT'S PAINFUL TO HAVE SO MANY FEELS... Rescue me somebody?!!? XD

- Bronnie xx

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