Chapter 2 ~ Backstage

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The boys sing a few of the older songs to finish off the concert. The most well known ones being ATL, Gold Forever, Glad You Came also with a few like Show a Me Love and Chasing The Sun.

After the show we waited around as people filed out and gave us weird stares for not leaving like everyone else. However we didn't care as we had been invited to hang with our fave boys and you wouldn't care about anything else if you were in our shoes right now. One of the boys management people came out and collected us, we followed him down towards the stage. He lead us on the stage and through the door at the side. This is it, we're meeting our boys, properly...

I briefly close my eyes as we enter the boys changing room before opening them to find a shirtless Nathan and Max right in front of me. Max grins and pulls a t-shirt on, chuckling a little. Nathan laughs quietly as he too puts a t-shirt on. I wonder what they're laughing at? Jay walks over placing his hand on my back and guides me towards where the other boys are "do you usually go a shade of beetroot when you see half naked guys?" he teases with a smirk. This makes me go even redder, I didn't realise I was blushing. I simply shrug at him physically unable to speak right now.

Nathan smiles at me, that boy has been staring at me since I walked in here. It's creepy. I'm not complaining though, he's gorgeous, wait what?! Jay sits me down on a couch, Maddie and my Mum sit on it with me. Nathan comes and sits between me and Maddie and Jay sits between my Mum and me. I'm in a Jaythan sandwich. It's really nice!

Jay looks at Maddie and I "so did you girls travel far today?" he asks smiling at us. Maddie shakes her head clearly awe struck. I smile at Jay "we live on the London outskirts, not too far" I explain. He nods and runs a hand through his gorgeous curls "that's good". Nathan who hasn't took his eyes off me yet suddenly diverts his attention to Maddie "so what are your names?" he asks turning back to me. Maddie makes a noise that is definitely not human and starts to choke. Nathan pats her back "hey don't die in our dressing room" Tom teases from the corner of the room where I barely noticed him. I laugh "I'm Keeleigh and this is Maddie. We're huge fans, we've bought like everything, all merch, CD's, Annuals. Just everything! Maddie seems a bit awe struck, I wouldn't try to talk to her" I smirk. The boys all laugh then.

Siva appears from around the corner and walks over to our couch, he smiles and makes a hand gesture for us to stand. We do as instructed and suddenly I'm pulled into a very strong and muscular hug. He smells great too. He pulls away and smiles at me again before hugging Maddie too.

Max looks over at us "wanna go hang out in the games room?" he suggests. I look at Maddie and we both agree telepathicly that we should do it. "Sure why not, it'll be fun" I smile "there's a games room in here?" I then ask realising the venue probably doesn't have one. Tom pipes up then "nope but the bus does" he smirks. "As in Tour Bus, Bus?" Maddie asks finally able to find her voice. Nathan nods and laughs.

Nath stands up "come on we'll show you" he smiles. I get up and walk beside him behind Tom and Max, Maddie follows with Jay and Siva. Nath glances at me and places his hand on my lower back, I flinch at his touch and get a weird feeling. I like it!


{A/N - OMG I want to be these girls rn XD Please vote and comment!

- Bronnie xx

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