Chapter 6 ~ Crossing paths

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Keeleigh's POV ~

{3 Years later in Newcastle}


I stood in the crowd with my new Uni friend, Lilah by my side, the arena went dark and erupted into a roar of screaming girls. I glanced at Lilah as the boys walked on stage. We were right up front in the standing area. We squealed at each other and looked at the stage.

Max took his place on the stage near to the area we were standing, Siva was the next along, then Nath, Jay and Tom. They opened up with ATL, then they did WOTN, CTS, CTBL and HV.

During Heart Vacancy Nath walked over to the side of the stage that we were standing on, I hid behind Lilah hoping he wouldn't see me. He looked into the crowd obviously trying to select a HV Girl. That's when our eyes locked on each other and I moved out from behind Lilah. Nath reached out his hand and pulled me up on stage.

Nath wrapped his arm around my waist and held me close to him as he sang to me. I look up at his face and he smiles at me "I've missed you, what you doing here?" he asks as he takes his mic away from his mouth. The other boys carry on singing around us with their HV Girls. "I'm at Uni here" I answer. "Studying what?" he asks, "medicine" I smirk knowing it will make me sound smart. He raises an eyebrow "okay then" he glances across at the other boys.

The song is coming to a close. "I should probably sing to you" he teases. I nod and hug him tightly "sing away" and he did sing...

When the song finished I went to go back to Lilah but Nath grabbed my hand "come backstage after the show, I want to catch up with you" he smiles. I shrug "I don't know Nath..", "Keeleigh, please" he gives me puppy eyes. I can't say no to that. I sigh and hug him one last time before going back down to Lilah.


{A/N - I didn't really know what to write so this is just a filler chapter. Please vote and comment!! :)

- Bronnie xx

Jaythan // Sykes & McGuiness | ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora