Chapter 15 ~ I need you

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Nath's POV ~

When I wake up, I roll over and start kissing at the back of Kee's neck until she turns over to face me. She grunts and stares at me sleepily. I smile "morning Grunty" I tease as I get out of bed and run completely naked into the bathroom to get a shower.

Once I'm out of the shower and dressed, I sort out my quiff while Kee gets a shower. She gets dressed, she sorts out her hair and make-up.

My phone buzzes, it's lying on the beside table on my side of the bed. I pick it up and open a text from Jay;

"Meeting with Nano at 11am at Max's, be there!"

I sigh, what the hell does Nano want now? Guess I'll have to go but I just want some alone time with Kee. Why can't I be allowed to have her to myself for even a day?

I check my watch, 10:50, crap I'm gonna be late! It takes at least 20 mins to get to Max's from here. "Kee, I gotta go. Meeting with Nano and the boys, I'll be back as soon as I can" I smile. "Okay, we can do something later yeah?" she asks. I nod and kiss her "I really gotta go, I'm late" I kiss her one last time and race downstairs and out the front door.

I get into my car and head to Max's.

At Max's everyone's gathered in the lounge when I arrive. Nano scowls at me "nice of you to join us Nathan" he says sarcasticly. I glare at him "you know what London traffic is like Nano!" I snap. He sighs "I guess late is better than never. Okay let's get down to business" I join the lads on the sofas and prepare myself for one of Nano's long speeches.

After about an hour Nano has explained to us the full details of a whole UK Arena Tour, starting in 6 months. There's no way that Keeleigh is not coming with me! I need her.

Keeleigh's POV ~

I'm downstairs in the kitchen when Nathan comes in. I search his face for any anger in him but there isn't anything clear that stands out. I smile at him "tea?" I ask although it's a stupid question. "God yes" he replies as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind. I smile at his touch and flick the kettle on to boil.

"So what was the meeting?" I ask. Nathan runs a hand through his hair and sighs "we're going on a UK Tour in 6 months. Do you want to come, like last time?" he smirks. I remember our intimate moments on Nathan's bunk, trying to savour every second we could get alone. "Do you even have to ask?" I smile. He hugs me tight "I wouldn't want to go without you" he whispers softly. "I wouldn't let you go without me" I whisper back.

{A/N - Please vote and comment! If you read this and like it, give it a vote! Don't just skim past :)

- Bronnie xx

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