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I follow the ambulance in the car with Emre bay, I can't stop crying, Sanem is really sick, I can't get the hissing sound of her breath going in and out of her half-closed lips out of my ears. What could have happened to her? This morning when I left the house she was in the bathroom and told me not to wait for her, that she was late and we would meet at the agency, then I hadn't met her during the morning, I can't get an idea of what could have happened to her.

The ambulance pulls into the hospital emergency, I call my parents to tell them what facility Sanem was taken to, I rush downstairs and enter the emergency room behind the gurney carrying her. A nurse stops me when I get to the door beyond which only medical personnel are allowed. I stay in the corridor and feel Emre bay's reassuring hand resting on my shoulder, I tremble and can't stop crying. I hear him talking on the phone, I realize he's giving the name of the hospital to someone, I imagine it's Can. Shortly after we see him arrive in a daze and behind him are my parents running towards me, holding their hands in concern.

Time seemed to never pass, we all walked back and forth in the hallway anxious about what was going on.
After an interminable wait we finally see a doctor come out and we hear Mr and Mrs Aydin ask.

-How is she? What happened to her? - My father asks in a heartfelt voice.

- Your daughter must have had a bad fall, we think, she has a large hematoma on her left chest. Unfortunately, she must have fallen violently against something and a rib has cracked, slowly piercing the lung. At this moment they are intervening to bring the rib back into position and close the hole in the lung. She also has a fractured wrist and several abrasions on her hands and face. There are also bruises on her arms, as if she was squeezed hard, no idea what could have happened to her? -

We exchange questioning glances shaking our heads in disbelief, except... except Can.
I turn to him, he's as still as a pillar of salt, his eyes wide, looking incredulous.

- Can? Do you have any idea what could have happened to her? Can? -

He shifts his gaze to me without uttering a word for an interminable time, we all look at him questioningly.

- Well, Sanem came to my cabin in the mountains last night, we had an argument and then she left. I, I was convinced she called a cab, I...I..-.

Nihat takes a threatening step towards him - What, you let my little girl wander the mountain roads at night alone? Didn't you make sure your fiancée left safely? -

- We, we broke up and ...-

-You broke up? Since you broke up, it didn't matter to you anymore, right? Is it your hands that caused the bruises on her arms? - He comes even closer to him as if to attack him, no matter the difference in size at that moment, Emre bay and my mother intervene to hold him back and try to calm him down.

Can shakes his head, brings his hands to his hair in a desperate gesture, his look is sad, heartfelt and regretful for what has happened, but it is clear that he realizes very well that his behavior is indefensible.

The door of the emergency room opens again and a nurse pushes Sanem's stretcher probably to transfer it to an inpatient room. Another doctor joins us to inform us that everything went well, there were no complications and he should recover soon. A unanimous sigh of relief rises from everyone present, Nihat and Mevkibe cast an animated glance at Can and move to follow Sanem.

I'm about to go too when I feel a hand grab my wrist, I turn around amazed, it's Can.

- Layla I'm sorry, really, just that Polen.... -

- Ah well, now we know what kept you from making sure my sister got into a cab safely, you were busy with Polen, I saw her today at the agency not an inch away from you. It's all clearer now, please Can I think it's best that you leave, I don't think anyone wants you here, including Sanem -

Having said that I pull my wrist away from his grip and leave him in the company of his remorse, I hope it eats he alive because he really had an unforgivable and unspeakable behavior towards my sister.

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