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- Are you ready to start your new life with me aşkım, my love? -

-Ready, I can't wait to share every day of my life with you Mr Divit, I will do everything to make you happy, it will be my mission for all the years to come, söz, I promise -

We disembark at the port of Istanbul where I have asked Emre to leave my picup parked for when we get back, I start my motorbike and drive into the busy streets of Istanbul, Sanem looks around evidently happy to be back.

She doesn't notice anything strange until she sees me taking a highway out of the centre of Istanbul, she looks at me questioningly - Where are we going Can? I thought we were going to your house - I turn to look at her smiling - Sürpriz, it's a surprise! -

She smiles and looks around curiously, I drive for about half an hour then I leave the highway to enter a side road immersed in the green of the woods along the Bosphorus, she is increasingly curious, I realise.

I travel a short distance on a dirt road and stop to open a wrought-iron gate, she is sitting rigidly on the seat excited and curious to take in every detail of what surrounds us, I get back into the car and we drive along a short tree-lined avenue which opens out into a large open space in front of a splendid wooden chalet surrounded by greenery.

- Caaaaan???? -

- Our honeymoon lasted too short, I didn't want to catapult you into the ordinariness of living our first days together in my house, I want to continue to be alone with you away from everyone in an island of peace where you can rest and relax, come on!

I get out of the car and hurry around to help her down, she is thrilled, she looks around amazed and happy, it was what I wanted, I want it to always be like this for her, I want to amaze her and spoil her. The wooden chalet has large windows overlooking the surrounding woods and a patio where you can relax and eat with a wooden table, a swing, a hammock and even a Jacuzzi.

- You've been busy, I thought you were working when you left on your boat but you were planning the wedding and now this, how much do I love you Can Divit? I feel myself bursting with all the love I feel growing for you every day!

I hold her tight and kiss her, a demanding kiss in which I try to convey all the love and adoration I feel for her, I would do anything to make her happy, it's my life's mission too.

We spend a wonderful week away from reality, away from everything and everyone, focused on each other, we need this to consolidate our partnership before returning to reality.

In the immediate future we have the presentation of her book to look forward to, some fairly demanding advertising campaigns for me and soon what will be the biggest change in our lives: the birth of the baby.
A wonderful event that we are eagerly awaiting, but which will inevitably lead us to have to find a new balance as a couple.

After a few days our time is running out, we are huddled in the hammock looking at the stars and Sanem sighs - I'm going to miss this place Can, it's so beautiful here, so peaceful, I've really fallen in love with it you know? -

I smile and squeeze her tightly - I noticed that and since I also fell in love with this place right away, I started all the paperwork to sell my house and buy this one, no need to pack your bags Mrs Divit, welcome to our new home -

She jumps up in the air so fast that she nearly knocks us both ruinously out of the hammock, hugs me tightly and starts to place little kisses on my lips as she says.

- There's no doubt about it, you are definitely the man of my dreams, you are capable of making them come true even before I can formulate them.

From dream to reality is a short step and a few days later we are in town, in Metin's office, to sign the sale of the house.

We decide to go and celebrate with a nice lunch on the banks of the Bosphorus, but first we go to the agency to say hello, we are greeted by a festive greeting from everyone, but it is especially Deren and Cey Cey who show their emotion and happiness at our happy ending.

Cey Cey in particular is beside himself with excitement at the prospect of soon becoming an uncle, he tells us that his relationship with Ayhan is going well after he joined her in Bursa and they managed to settle things, he approaches us with a conspiratorial attitude - I have to talk to you, you have to help me, Osman will soon be back from his trip to South Africa and I want to ask him officially for his sister's hand in marriage, but I don't know what to do, what to say, how to behave, you have to be there with me, lütfen, please, otherwise I'll get upset and I'm sure I'll make a mess of things.

I smile at my friend who always finds a reason to be anxious, but this time how can I blame him? - Cey Cey, I'll tell you, not that I have any experience in this matter considering how things went with Sanem, but apparently I'll learn fast since you're the second one in a month asking me to attend the bride's hand request. We'll be happy to be by your side at such an important time in your and Ayhan's life, count on us right Sanem? -

She nods and smiles, hugs him with emotion and teases him that she doesn't dare to think about how he will dress for the occasion, we're all still laughing at the idea of who knows what eccentric outfit our friend will choose when we see my father arriving. He has only been in Istanbul for a few days and is already taking over the agency, inviting everyone to his office to celebrate our marriage with a bridal shower. The whole agency pours festively into his office and while the others are enjoying one of the usual theatrics between Deren and Cey Cey, Emre takes me aside - Can listen, I wanted to tell you that our mother called me, she's going back to Istanbul in a couple of weeks, I didn't tell her anything about you and Sanem, I don't know how you intend to inform her and I didn't want to interfere. Also, I have to tell you that while you were away Polen came here a couple of times asking about you, I wanted to warn you -

I nod thoughtfully, the woman can't understand, I've spoken to her very clearly, I've been very direct and clear about not wanting to see her but she doesn't seem to want to understand.

As for my mother, I will inform her of my marriage and the arrival of the baby, but I do not intend to have any kind of relationship with her.

I have had a lot of time to think in these months and I have realised that she has played a decisive role in encouraging Polen to come between Sanem and me, I have struggled over the years to try and have a decent relationship with her, if now her presence can create problems in my marriage I prefer her to leave my life for good, she was not able to be there for me when I was a child I don't need her now that I am an adult and have created my own family.

The pop of the champagne cork popping brings me back to reality, I approach Sanem and hold her by my side as we enjoy the joy of sharing our union with our friends, only this now matters to me, being with her.

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