The Super Shredder

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*Theme song*
"Focus. Do not let your attention flitter away from you. All random thoughts are transitory, like dreams. Let them disappear. Bask in the emptiness of the void"Splinter said.

I close my eyes and saw Pele. "Alison. You need to be careful" she said. "Be careful?"I said. "Be careful. Your...could be a" She said. What? Her face change and she jump toward me. I gasp then fell. "That is enough for today," He said.

He looks shocked like I am. Raph looks at me then helps me back. "Really, sensei? Cause we only meditated for, like, ten minutes" Donnie said as I look at the rug. What is she talking about? What is the weapon? "Yes. I am not feeling very well" Splinter said.

"Are you okay, Master Splinter? You seem worried about something" April said. "My dream last night was very powerful. I fell into a vast pit, where I fought the Shredder. My memory is hazy, but I did not survive" he said. "But it was nothing. Just a dream. Right, Sensei?"Leo said.

We all stood up. Splinter put a hand on Leo's shoulder. "Do not fret, my family. Dreams are often symbolic, not literal. I am not going anywhere" Splinter said then someone knocks on the door. "So who wants some food?"My father yells. We all cheer as we walk out.
"I'm going to kick your communist butt so hard it'll fly up and land on your head like a giant butt beret. That's right. Action-kick!"The cartoon Chris said as Zack and I play a card game.

"Aw, Sensei! You're ruining our cartoon-a-thon!"Mikey said and we lookup. "We're missing the best part!"Raph said. "No, the best part is when you get your lazy shells off the floor and do something! Too much television is a poison that ruins both body and mind!"Splinter said.

"We already cleaned our rooms and took out the trash. What do you-" Leo said then the light turn off. "Oh, great. Now what?"April said then Zack and I glow up. "It's like the whole universe hates TV!"Mikey said then fall back.

"I bet it's Donnie messing with some kind of experiment. Come on" Raph said as they got up. He looks at us. "So you are coming with us, princess?"He said. Zack looks at me. "I am going, "I said then follow them. "I am coming with you," Zack said then we went into the lab. 

"I didn't do it. I'm checking the grid now" Donnie said and look at his laptop. "There's a pretty big power outage over ten square blocks, all the way up to Shredder's old lair," Donnie said and Zack gasp. "Karai!" he said. "Go. See if she is all right" Splinter said.

"Hai, Sensei. We're on it" April said. Raph took out his sais. "Meh, probably just a waste of time," Raph said as he spins it around. I glare at him and he glup. "Alright," he said and I smile softly. "Good-bye, Bradford marathon," Raph whisper, looking away
We gasp as we saw a weird-looking mutant that looks so familiar.

It can't be who I think it is. "Holy Cheesy Balls! Is that some kind of Shredder clone monster?"Mikey said. "No, Mikey, I...I think it's the Shredder himself"Donnie said as he scans the mutant. "What do we do, Leo?"I said. "We ram him, obviously, "Leo said. 

He drove straight toward him. Super Shredder looks at us then caught the van?! How is he doing this?! "Tell your Master I have my daughter back. If he desires to see her one last time, come to where I last defeated him" he said then flip to van over. 

We scream until it stops. We need to get out of here quickly. "Everyone, grab Alison or me!"Zack whisper as I nod. Raph, Donnie, Leo grab me while April and Mikey grab Zack. We held hands and close our eyes. We whisper then disappear.
We appear into the lair. 

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