Buried Secrets

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We glare at the living room.

"Everyone ready?"April said. "Casey Jones was born ready"Casey said, putting his mask down. "Let's do this"Raph said as everyone but me took out some cleaning supplies. I took out a kitchen knife and a wet towel.

"Hyah!"We yelled and I ran to the kitchen. I jump and landed on table. I took the lettuce and threw it up. I threw my knife at it and it slice the lettuce into pieces. I clean the table and grab the salad bowl.

I threw it, which caught the lettuce's pieces. The table was clean then I look at the other vegetable that is ready to be cut. "Window cleaner on Window cleaner off. Window cleaner on, window cleaner off. Window cleaner on, window cleaner off"I heard Leo said.

I giggle to myself and he look back at me. He wink at me and I blush, waving some air at me Is it hot in here or is it just Leo being all hot? "Wooh! Wa-ha! Hey, check me out, April"I heard Donnie said and then the bucket drop.

"Everything okay up there?"I said. "Um I think I need some fresh water. Can you get some for me, Alison?"Donnie said then I walk up stairs. He blush as I smile at him. I pick it up then saw Casey doing nothing.

"Looking good, Red. Keep up all the hard work"Casey said. "Real funny, Jones. Now stop slacking off and help out"April said, throwing the sponge at him. "Anything for you, mon cherry"Casey said as I shook my head. 

"It's mon cherie"I said then Mikey threw the carrot up. I look at it and sent multiple little waves at it. It fell down and Leo caught it. "Nice job Alison"Leo said and I blew a kiss at him. "I can help you, April"Donnie said then push Casey out.

I walk down the stair as Leo hand me the bowl. I caught it, walking to the kitchen. I cut the tomato and I hear some noise then Leo saying something. I walk and saw Mikey on the floor.

"Yeah? Well, I'm about to mop the floor with him"Raph said then Mikey lean toward the floor. "Whoa, guys.Check it out!"Mikey said as we walk toward it. "A trap door? I didn't even know we had a basement"April said.

"What do you suppose is down there?"I said, putting my hand on my waist. "Evil clown. Evil clown!"Mikey yelled, hugging me. "Only one way to find out"Raph said, twirling his sais around. He lift it open and we stare at it. 

"Uh, who's going first?"Donnie said. "Not it!"We all yelled but Leo. He groan and he walk down slowly. We follow behind him. Raph shine the light and move it around until we saw something familiar. "The Kraang!"Leo said as we gasp.

*Theme song* 
We walk toward it slowly.

"Whoa"Mikey said. "It's impossible"Raph said. "It can't be"Leo said. "It's a Kraang stealth ship"I said as I look at it. "Wicked!"Casey said. "But how-how did they find us?"April said as I softly touch it. "I don't think they did. This ship looks like it's been buried here for years"I said.

I sneeze then clean my nose with a napkin. "What the heck is a Kraang ship doing underneath my house?"She said then the door open. "Only one way to find out. Come on"Leo said as he enter the ship.

We look around as I stay close to Leo. I still remember how they almost put needle on me. "Guys look! Is that a person in there?"Raph said as it shine on something. Donnie went on his knee and took a look at it.

"Okay, don't touch anything. I repeat: Do not touch anything!"Donnie said then look at Mikey. He walk back and touch something. "Mikey!"Donnie yelled at him. "Ooh! Oops. I promise not to touch anything starting now"Mikey said.

The two glass door slide open and we look at the person. April gasp as I touch my dagger handle. "Mom?"April said as the person flutter their eyes open. The fog clear then I also saw my mother. "Mommy?"I said.

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