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A warm morning in the land of Anahoma. A man was walking along the beach. The soft rushing waves kissed the yellow shore, and went back without any trials. The morning wind greeted the old man. It came travelling through many unknown lands. It tells the story of the living and non-living, and it remembers the stories of the past too.

That man's mind was filled with the worries of the past and his head embraced it even when he wanted to avoid it as a whole. He pleaded to himself. Though throughout the passing years he had tried to avoid anything which brought up the memories, it came and hit him again and again, like the waves. It became more and more clear, clearer than ever before. He was nearly immortal. He had even more years of life than anyone in this land had.

Any memories or happenings in the past were known only to him. The people took all of those with them when they died. Sometimes they passed it on to the next generation. The thing is that they will also die one day.

But like the wind, this man knows it all, he won't die. He had seen it all. Even if he tries he can't really forget anything. One day, he knew, his death will come. All those things he knew, all the things he did and all the things his hid will come to the light, or maybe burn within him.

He knew his people couldn't see him in this state. He is the good one. Their leader, their backbone. He didn't want to show, he didn't want to say anything to anyone, especially to them, his people.

The wind rushed past him to see more strange lands. That old man with wise eyes walked near the Oracle's cave.

The Oracle, dressed in its red silk cape, which people believed was made up of the blood of the mighty warriors of Anahoma, was tending the flower patches in front of her cave.

The man slowly moved towards the Oracle. As he approached he saw the Oracle become uncomfortable. She twitched her hands. Her head bent back. She tried to fight it. She held on to the hood of the powerful cape. She ran fast inside the cave and screamed.

The man, who was dressed in white, went near the cave.

A white fog filled the dark cave lighted with some candles. The mist covered the room, a mysterious aura was created. The candles flickered.

The Oracle grabbed a wooden vase and threw aimlessly. She cried in pain. White fog now engulfed the inside of the cave.

The Oracle made weird noises from her throat. The man knew what was happening. He had seen this before. Just one time, when he was a young lad. It happened as he expected.

The Oracle spoke in a slightly paranoid voice.

"The land of gold,
the land named Anahoma, shall send five of its young borns to the land of the known. Twenty years after this day, this land shall be attacked by them. These five can save or cause chaos. Choose carefully, send them together. They shall come back alive with more powers and wisdom, or look forward no more.
Destiny awaits.
People of Anahoma, send them away carefully."

The words of the Oracle were printed on the divine golden plate outside the cave.

The man witnessed it for the second time in his life. The majestic white mist seeped inside the Oracle. Within seconds, she fainted.

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